Claset's insulin copay
Hi! My name is John Claset. I'm a 24 year old who works for Starbucks and music hobbyist. I was diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes at age 4.
Since adulthood, I have found covering my copays to be a challenge, but doable and manageable. These past few months however have seen me fall into some hard times financially. I've been encouraged by friends to open up a goFundme to reach out for help. I decided giving it a try couldn't hurt.
I depend on my car for a huge chunk of my income, and while transferring day jobs, the transmission in my vehicle had run into some trouble, and I was without both my primary and secondary income for 3 weeks, and in the first few weeks of my new job, I had only been scheduled a lacking amount of hours that were not substantial.
All of the money I had started saving up to cover this was gone by the time the month cycled, and I have been struggling to bounce back.
Right now I am on my way to doing so, I am still pressed to make rent and all of my bills on time, but I urgently need the medication I rely on to survive.
Currently I don't have the means to pay the copay and deductable for my insulin, test strips, and freestyle libre prescriptions without missing my rent or making a large substantial overdraft on my bank account that would be declined.
Insulin is a hormone all of our bodies make that instructs the cells to absorb sugar and convert it into energy, and it is vital for humans to sustain life; however, my disease is accompanied by a complete absence of it's production, and I depend on insulin injections to survive.
Diabetic Testing Strips are also a necessity for the control and well-being of a diabetic. They are single use disposable strips that take a small sample of blood to measure the amount of sugar in the blood.
The Freestyle libre is a newly approved FDA system that allows flash monitoring of blood sugars.
Your donation will directly positively affect not only my financial situation, but my health and well being, I will be able to survive whilst paying my rent, bills, utilities, and working to pay forward the gift of charity that looks out for the well being of others.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this, only a very small amount of money is needed for this fund to end. After receiving $240, I will stop accepting additional money. This will go towards the deductable, and copays for the three things listed above; Insulin, Test Strips, and Freestyle Libre flash monitor sensors.