Cold fusion journalism
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Cold fusion is a popular name for a physical effect of unknown mechanism, largely rejected in 1989-1990, because of theoretical objections and replication difficulties, but research has accelerated over the years and much more is now known.
No practical applications have been confirmed, but it appears possible that, with appropriate development, cold fusion could supply clean power for humanity indefinitely. Supporting the necessary basic research, as recommended by both U.S. Department of Energy reviews of cold fusion (or LENR, Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions), has been a major focus of mine for many years.
A paper of mine was published in Current Science, Replicable cold fusion experiment: heat/helium ratio . The work suggested by that paper is under way in Texas, see announcement . It is fully funded.
Last year, I started a blog to support development of cold fusion resources, and most activity there has been documenting a current lawsuit , and much that had been secret is now open. This is coming to trial, it appears, in late June, 2017.
I know and have good relations with most of the major scientists in the field, through email, other on-line communication, and phone contact, with some prior level of personal, face-to-face interaction. I'm seeking to ramp that up. This year, I intend to visit researchers in Washington, D.C., to observe the trial in Florida, to visit the work happening in Texas, and to visit researchers in California.
My work is supported by Infusion Institute, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit organization. Federal nonprofit status has not yet been obtained, but is intended. GoFundMe contributions will be donations to Infusion Institute.
Questions and interaction on Cold Fusion Community are welcome, and volunteer opportunities exist.
We are creating the future. Join us!
Cold fusion is a popular name for a physical effect of unknown mechanism, largely rejected in 1989-1990, because of theoretical objections and replication difficulties, but research has accelerated over the years and much more is now known.
No practical applications have been confirmed, but it appears possible that, with appropriate development, cold fusion could supply clean power for humanity indefinitely. Supporting the necessary basic research, as recommended by both U.S. Department of Energy reviews of cold fusion (or LENR, Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions), has been a major focus of mine for many years.
A paper of mine was published in Current Science, Replicable cold fusion experiment: heat/helium ratio . The work suggested by that paper is under way in Texas, see announcement . It is fully funded.
Last year, I started a blog to support development of cold fusion resources, and most activity there has been documenting a current lawsuit , and much that had been secret is now open. This is coming to trial, it appears, in late June, 2017.
I know and have good relations with most of the major scientists in the field, through email, other on-line communication, and phone contact, with some prior level of personal, face-to-face interaction. I'm seeking to ramp that up. This year, I intend to visit researchers in Washington, D.C., to observe the trial in Florida, to visit the work happening in Texas, and to visit researchers in California.
My work is supported by Infusion Institute, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit organization. Federal nonprofit status has not yet been obtained, but is intended. GoFundMe contributions will be donations to Infusion Institute.
Questions and interaction on Cold Fusion Community are welcome, and volunteer opportunities exist.
We are creating the future. Join us!
Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax
Northampton, MA