Come back with Us Jesus (Doctors are always wrong)
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Jesus was born to Amzi and Jorge on November 6, 2002, and was a resident of Los Angeles and Santa Clarita Ca, since he was 5 years old. Jesus attended Union Elementary in Los Angeles, La Mesa Jr. High and Golden Valley High School in Santa Clarita. He was a very intelligent child at school. He liked to play video games and was very passionate. Other passions included going to the movies with their friends and inviting them to sleep at home where they played for long hours.
Jesus was the only child until he was 12 years old, after his little brothers Genesis and Daniel were born, they were his adoration and he always said that he was going to teach his little brother Daniel to play video games and that he would become as good as him.
Jesús nació de Amzi y Jorge el 6 de noviembre de 2002 y fue residente de Los Ángeles y Santa Clarita Ca, desde que tenía 5 años de edad. Jesús asistió a Union Elementary en Los Angeles, La Mesa Jr. High y Golden Valley High School en Santa Clarita. Era un niño muy inteligente en la escuela. Le gustaba jugar videojuegos y era muy apasionado. Otras pasiones incluían ir al cine con sus amigos e invitarlos a dormir en casa, donde jugaban durante largas horas. Jesús fue hijo unico hasta los 12 años, después nacieron sus hermanitos Génesis y Daniel, eran su adoración y siempre decía que iba a enseñarle a su hermanito Daniel a jugar videojuegos y que se volvería tan bueno como él.

He liked sushi and pizza a lot, he did not like the food at home, he always cheated and told his father that there was nothing to eat in the house and his father ordered him something to eat. After her father came home from work he realized that there was food in the house and Jesus answered: "I just did not see it, maybe it was hidden behind the refrigerator"
Le gustaba mucho el sushi y la pizza, no le gustaba la comida en casa, siempre hacía trampa y le decía a su papa que no había nada para comer en la casa y su papa le ordenaba algo para comer. Después de que su papa regresaba a casa del trabajo, se daba cuenta de que si había comida en la casa y Jesús le respondia: "No vi la comida, tal vez estaba escondido detrás del refrigerador".

He was a child with many dreams, sometimes he worked with his father delivering food to earn some money and buy his things. He wanted to learn to drive, he wanted to know the snow and he wanted to be a medical-forensic expert when he graduated. Now all those dreams are inconclusive because of a stroke he had.
Era un niño con muchos sueños, a veces trabajaba con su papa entregando comida para ganar algo de dinero y comprar sus cosas. Quería aprender a conducir, quería conocer la nieve y quería ser un médico-forense cuando se graduara. Ahora todos esos sueños quedaron inconclusos debido a un derrame cerebral que tuvo.

What’s Happening Now
On Monday, November 19, just a few days after celebrating his 16th birthday, at approximately 9:30 p.m. Jesus complained of a severe headache, started vomiting and was unconscious in his room. His father called an ambulance and they transferred him to a hospital in the city of Santa Clarita. He fell into a coma due to the spill. Then, on the morning of the next day, he was transferred to a hospital in the city of Los Angeles, where he stayed until December 30, 2018. Now he is at home recovering with the help of a lot of therapy, the doctors said that the He was not going to be able to talk anymore, he was not going to be able to walk, he was not going to be able to eat on his own.
Que fue lo que paso:
El lunes 19 de noviembre, apenas unos días después de celebrar su cumpleaños número 16, aproximadamente a las 9:30 p.m. Jesús se quejó de un dolor de cabeza severo, comenzó a vomitar y estaba inconsciente en su habitación. Su padre llamó a una ambulancia y lo trasladaron a un hospital en la ciudad de Santa Clarita. Cayó en coma debido al derrame. Luego, en la mañana del día siguiente, fue trasladado a un hospital a la ciudad de Los Ángeles, donde estuvo hasta el dia 30 de diciembre de 2018. Ahora el esta en casa recuperandose con la ayuda de mucha terapia, los doctores dijeron que el ya no iba a poder hablar, ya no iba a poder caminar, ya no iba a poder comer por su cuenta propia.
Shivani Sal
Santa Clarita, CA