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Comic books need Kids

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I set the goal at $10,000 but truthfully I will be able to get this started with a few hundred to cover the first batches of comics.

The goal for this organization is to take comic books every month to homeless shelters, low income schools, deployed families in after school care, childrens hospitals in the Ventura, CA area. Cosplayers will come together to deliver these comic books to these facilities and bring hope to children who need it most. Offer these deserving children a chance to grow as readers, grow as children, grow as the future of this world. Let’s work together to help unlock a new world for children who can’t do it for themselves

Every comic book needs to find a home. Every comic deserves to be in the hands of someone who wants to get lost in the adventure that those pages hold. For most of us it’s easy to go the comic book store and pick up the latest issue of Superman or Wonder Woman or Green Arrow. For a lot of kids they aren’t that lucky. Kids in underprivileged areas or low income households can’t just ask their mom for $4 to buy a comic book. Kids who have a parent serving over seas can’t just leave base and go buy the latest comic. There are so many children in under priveledged areas or in income situations that prevent them from being able to enjoy these adventures. Not only do comic books allow kids to explore their imagination, it allows them a chance to escape from the life they are leading, it gives them hope for better, it encourages growth and development. More importantly giving kids a creative outlet of reading will expand their literacy. Imagine a child who hates reading the pages of homework from the school, but if you give them a comic they strive to read each page. They will push harder to understand every word so that they can understand the story. By challenging their minds through these comic books they expand their reading levels through new adventures

Your contribution will allow me to buy comic books to supply to the low income elementary school in Ventura, CA, along with taking Comic books to the after school program for kids on the Naval Bases at Point Magu and Port Hueneme, also the local homeless shelter in Ventura, CA, and any children in the hospitals in Ventura.  There are 5 places that I want to give back to.  I am a mom and a cosplayer and this seems like the best way I can give back.  All comic books will be delivered by cosplayers.  We will set up days and times with each organization so that the books can be delivered and the cosplayers will be welcomed.  We want to build strong relationships with the organizations and the kids.  We want the kids to be excited every month when we bring them different comic books.   Who wouldn’t want to see a super hero show up and hand you a little hope?


Keli Rodgers
Ventura, CA

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