Fight College Campus Sexual Assault
One in five women survive sexual assault by their college graduation.
There is a disturbing trend among colleges and universities across the nation to under-sanction violators of sexual misconduct. It is absolutely unaccpetable to knowingly welcome a rapist back on to a college campus. Not only does it threaten the student body, but it sends a message to the community that rape is forgivable and ammendable. For those with personal experience, we know this to be untrue. With this post, I ask for your compassion and your support. In the past year, my school has failed to advocate for me in crucial ways. With this in mind, I plan to advocate for myself. Colleges and universities must learn to protect their students, not their assailants.
With the result of these donations, I plan to start a movement on my campus to support the proper level of sanctioning for violators of sexual misconduct. Specifically, I plan to order t-shirts for this project in order to create a sense of unification among those who choose to participate in it. If you have any questions about my project, please message me privately on Facebook. I am happy to give any further detail to those who inquire.
Even $1 will help raise enough for 100 t-shirts! If you or anyone you love has ever been affected by sexual violence, please consider the meaningfulness of this project.