Conservation of Atlantic Bushmaster
This is a Gofundme started to support the dedicative work for the conservation of the Atlantic Bushmaster (Lachesis muta rhombeata).
Short info : The snake is one of largest venomous snakes on the planet and also in the family of the longest pit vipers on the planet (Crotalinae) with size reaching up to 3 meters in length.
This snake is not only important for the eco system around the area but is also an important landmark for the indigenous people.
Only 6% of the atlantic rainforest currently remains due to deforestation ( http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/footprint/agriculture/soy/soyreport/soy_and_deforestation/the_atlantic_forest/ )
which is the home of this specie and may not be so in the coming years if no action is being taken.
Dr. Rodrigo Souza is the man in charge at Nucleo Sierra Grande, Bahia - Brazil where the project is being held at.
The bushmasters are being bred in controlled environments to ensure success with breeding and an increase of the population to maintain the species numbers in the wild.
Rodrigo Souza and his team is also the first to succeed with breeding the atlantic bushmasters in captive care, which also shows how much heart is put in regards to this project as breeding these is not an easy task and requires alot of knowledge alongside experience.
Birth of Lachesis :
There is also some interesting reads for those who are hungry for information to find in the following links
Dialogues on the Tao* of Lachesis :
BBC article about the project with a little bit of history of how it all started :
We will accept all fees small or large and will give 100% of what will be donated directly to the project itself.
Those who donate will be put up on a big thank you list publicly in our started facebook group page and thanked publicly in a video announcement once the amount has been reached!
We of course understand that not everyone can donate due to financial or private reasons and we accept any kind of support in regards to this fund by spreading around the word that this project is in need of our support.
If you have any questions in regards to the project or the fund itself you can contact and we will kindly reply to you.
**UPDATE** Since the donationslist was more than successfull we figured to raise the bar to 50.000SEK in order to support the project more.
Thank you for reading!
(All pictures, videos and papers are Copyrighted to its rightful owners and we take no credit for them whatsoever!)