Bring Unravel Podcast to CSA 2019!
Donation protected
Unravel Podcast was started by fashion scholar Jasmine Helm and textile conservator Dana Goodin in 2015 as a means to fill a gap in the history of fashion. Joy Davis joined the podcast in 2016 and started the CSA series as a means to get more attention for the institution. They have offered to cover Joy's registration but she is still needs to secure housing and transportation. Any money raised beyond the requested amount will be used to sustain the podcast via website and podcast hosting fees.
With your donation you will help Unravel with the following:
1. Travel
2. Hotel/Accommodations
3. Website and Podcast hosting
For more content:
Check out our Costume Society of America Series
Visit our podcast page on Unravel Podcast
Instagram: @unravelpodcast
Facebook: facebook.com/unravelpodcast
With your donation you will help Unravel with the following:
1. Travel
2. Hotel/Accommodations
3. Website and Podcast hosting
For more content:
Check out our Costume Society of America Series
Visit our podcast page on Unravel Podcast
Instagram: @unravelpodcast
Facebook: facebook.com/unravelpodcast
Joy Davis
New York, NY