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Christina Babin

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As a survivor of the legendary cult “The Children of God” I am currently writing a book about my life and intricacy’s of being raised in this group. I have had to overcome many mental and physical obstacles. I am now writing my own narrative and moving forward on my new path.

I have over 500 pages written. The book will include story's about my adventures around the world along with my harsh life of a slave with in the cult. My my journey has been an amazing fusion of the determination, sorrow and joy of what it takes to survive. I now focus on embracing the beauty of living, even after all I have been through.

It's a story that needs to be told and I would love your help to do it. The goal is to raise enough money to hire a professional editor. If you would like more information on the cult you can check out the link below


Christina Babin
Baton Rouge, LA

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