Junior National Young Leaders Conf.
My son Christopher Sharpe has been nominated to attend the Junior National Young Leaders Conference (JNYLC). in Washington DC for his academic and leadership achievements by his teacher Ms. Chantelle Lawani-Pierce. Enrollment deadline is Dec 15, 2017 but the earlier the better due to space and availability.
By attending this (JNYLC) he will be taking a huge step on his path to success in High School, College and future Career. He will be joining middle school students from around the country for a educational experience of a lifetime which includes: a 6 day stay in DC, exclusive Capital Hill experience, visiting the House Floor and listening to former congressional leaders, learning about the Presidency and how to run for office, examining leadership from a historical context and visiting The Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the Korean War Veterans Memorial. He will also broaden his skillset in the areas of communication, goal-setting, problem solving teamwork, character and respect.
This is an opportunity of a lifetime for any child and for Chris to have been selected we are speechless. Your help in this fundraising effort will mean more than you can imagine. On behalf of my son and family we simply want to say thank you.
God Bless !!!