Curing MRSA and Other Superbugs.
Donation protected
Please Contribute to save at least 50 people’s lives from MRSA this year.
I am raising money to save 50 people’s lives this year from the misery of MRSA and the lingering MRSA-related conditions brought on by failing antibiotics used throughout the medical industry today.
My name is Greg Bender, and I have a background in Physics and a 30 year career in product engineering in many industries throughout the Bay Area.
(my resume is posted here: http://www.future-spark.com/F-S_White-Paper/GBRESUME-015-linked.pdf )
As an Inventor, I usually work on many projects at once, mostly out of curiosity. But this latest one became a necessity for my life. I would not be alive today if this new solution did not work on MRSA. And I know from the Internet, there a lot of other people that have been caught innocently in a similar situation. I now have reasonable proof of a safe way to mitigate MRSA.
I myself was afflicted with MRSA from a single visit to the local hospital ER and survived with my unique wit & knowledge in Physics. I would like to show this technique to the world when standard antibiotics are failing most people with lingering MRSA in a miserable way.
When I went back to the Dr.’s and questioned them about these massive rashes growing around the two injection sites that I received five days earlier at the very same ER, the subtle but resounding reply I got was astonishing.
First off, the entire ER staff went stone cold silent and began tiptoeing on eggshells. After a few minutes, the Dr. waltzes in acting like a Stage Clown on a TV contest show. He was actually congratulating me, shaking my hand, and slapping me on the back while saying, “I’m so sorry this had to happen to you…”. Besides his choice in verb tenses, I found to whole encounter very surreal.
When I mentioned the possibility of MRSA, he suggested that he did not know anything about MRSA and promptly left the curtain area to make a phone call to the next Dr.
Even though they claimed not to know what it was, I still had to insist to both the Dr. and the nurse to take a culture swab, which they were most reluctant to do. It just seemed all too common and rehearsed to me. Soon after filling out the paperwork for the next Dr., he too excused me out the door for the simple excuse that my case was “way too complicated”, and I was sent home to die from the deadly infection that I was accidentally injected with twice by the same people that one normally seeks shelter and emergency care.
And, to add insult my near fatal injury, the final test results from my culture swab proclaimed;
“No microbes found, regular epidermal flora.”
If I can save 50 people’s lives after they have been through a similar, all too common Hospital Acquired MRSA experience like this, my effort in coming back to life after MRSA will be worth it.
Please contribute, and help me save at least 50 people this year from this ongoing HA-MRSA epidemic nightmare, and then together we can save 5000 people next year.
The Background:
I have developed a new cure for MRSA and other Superbugs by intensifying the Antimicrobial Properties of certain Metals through Applied Physics. I can now synthesize CuZnO, the deadly compound needed to kill MRSA, and other Antimicrobial Metallic Compounds directly, without the use of Microbes.
This new product line of Metallic SOMC Antimicrobial Topical Solutions represents a new medical breakthrough in the fight against MRSA and other Superbugs. I just need funding to get this simple and elegant, metallic solution out into the world where standard Antibiotics simply are not working anymore.
The following Video Series showcases these new Super-Oxygenated Metallic Compounds, or SOMC’s.
These activated metallic molecules are made with a proprietary, high-voltage electrolysis process I have developed over the last several years. The success of this exclusive process is shown in a photo essay of my rapid recovery from MRSA in the first clinical trial of SOMC.

Glacial Melt Down:
Curing MRSA_1 The Superbug Onslaught.
This describes a possible source for all of the recent Superbugs that have the entire medical industry baffled and on edge.

The Real Problems with MRSA:
Curing MRSA_2 Methicillin-based SOD’s.
Methicillin’s poop stinks, and MRSA can smell it a micrometer away. The enzymes surrounding Methicillin’s metabolized byproduct of these two metals is now recognized and rejected in the Microbe World.

My Real Scary Experience:
Curing MRSA_3 My Personal Experience.
Left for dead by the same hospital ER that infected me with MRSA, I decided to try something new. It worked, and I’m alive today to tell you all about it.

The Science & Physics behind the SOMC:
Curing MRSA_4 The Science & Physics of an SOMC.
The same metallic compound that Methicillin can excrete in tiny quantities can also be synthesized in large quantities with much higher purity and Oxygen Valence Energy.
Here is why the medical industry has dubbed MRSA as the first Superbug and why they are so desperate to find another solution:
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has evolved from the original Staphylococcus bacterium because of Antibiotics.
Another family of friendly Penicillin bacterium, including Methicillin, can metabolize a metallic compound made of Copper and Zinc and this is excreted as an enzyme called SOD, or Superoxide dismutase. This metallic SOD had been deadly to Staphylococcus for quite some time. But this Methicillin SOD, being an enzymatic waste product of cellular metabolism, has a particular “smell” to it that is now recognized and rejected by the Staphylococcus and its own enzyme barrier. So now the CuZn metallic ion can no longer get close enough to do damage to the Staphylococcus cell walls.
And apparently, there are no other bacterium types on the horizon that can metabolize this metallic CuZnO molecule. This has the entire medical industry running scared.
SOMC’s, or Super-Oxygenated Metallic Compounds, are a new breed of Antimicrobial Reagents recently developed by myself, a physicist, engineer, and purposeful survivor of MRSA. SOMC’s are far more powerful and have much longer shelf lives than the obsolete Methicillin-based SOD’s and they don’t have a biological marker, so they can never be recognized or rejected by the Staphylococcus enzyme barriers.
SOMC’s are far more effective than typical SOD Enzymes that are produced in highly expensive medical laboratories by friendly Microbes, because SOMC's supersede all enzymatic interactions and cellular 'bio-protocols'. Like the proverbial "Silver Bullet", SOMC's simply shoot past enzyme barriers and ionize the cell walls instantly, on direct contact. The Microbes do not even have a chance to recognize what just dissolved them, because the rapid cellular oxidation process happens so extremely fast.
SOMC’s are specifically designed to combat the worst Skin Diseases, including MRSA, Measles, and Ebola, as well as attack this new onslaught of Superbugs that has the entire Medical Industry at a standstill.
SOMC liquids are intended for use as Topical Metallic Sprays. This reduces both direct exposure to health workers and hazardous medical wastes at the same time. For this reason, SOMC’s may prove to be quite useful in preventing “ground zero” outbreaks from spreading further.
Most importantly, compared to archaic SOD’s, these metallic specific SOMC’s can be produced quickly in mass quantities with very low overhead and zero toxic wastes.
Many countries across the World can’t even get Methicillin, much less refrigerate and process it in a sterile medical lab. These low cost SOMC’s can easily be made in large quantities on site in adverse, remote, non-sterile conditions using specialized portable equipment.
This Video Series showcases these new Super-Oxygenated Metallic Compounds, SOMC’s. These active metallic molecules are made with my proprietary, high-voltage electrolysis process. The success of this exclusive process is shown in a photo essay of my rapid recovery from MRSA in the first clinical trial of SOMC.
You can read more detailed information at:
The Immediate Goal:
The SOMC cure for MRSA can be made on your countertop with a specialized piece of electrolysis equipment. This is Not stringing a bunch of 9Volt batteries together with some paper clips. This is a calibrated, precision high voltage process; and as such, it will have all the necessary safety features to ensure your safe success.
I am raising this money to buy the parts, materials, & supplies, and rent the office space in order to build the first 50 units of a safe countertop SOMC Micro-Station. The metallic SOMC Solution it makes can be used as a Topical Antimicrobial Spray that will specifically mitigate MRSA on contact.
The very first SOMC Micro-Station prototypes will be under testing and review on this site when donations reach a critical mass; and hopefully, production of the 50 Beta Units will begin about month after that. (Another version for Silver SOMC Antimicrobial solution is available upon special request, but that unit, while useful for other ailments, will not help combat MRSA.)
Using my extensive industrial engineering skills, this new countertop SOMC Micro-Station will process one pint at a time of a given SOMC type. This proprietary process in Physics requires high voltage, and therefore, many safety features that are required by IEEE Codes & Standards, UL, CSE, VDE, OSHA and others, will have to be included. These mandatory safety features cannot be ignored, dismissed, or forgotten because of any concerns over cost or convenience. Seriously, there is no point in curing oneself from MRSA if one gets electrocuted in the process by some cheap knock-off from China.
This will genuinely be Made in the USA with the highest quality and safety in mind.
Please donate as much or as little as you can, but the goal is to build and deliver the first 50 SOMC units by the end of the year to the first 50 Clinics, MRSA Support Groups, families, and/or individuals who can sign up for these SOMC clinical trials. A small survey will be required.
If more than 50 people qualify to sign up for these voluntary trials, well, they are going to help me build the rest. So, sign up early!
This specialized equipment does require a couple of costly components and a few but necessary safety features. The final retail cost in high volume production is still likely to more than a few hundred dollars; but the overhead costs with building a product like this in these small quantities is likely to run 3-5 times more per unit.
I am 100% confident that I can help at least 50 people mitigate MRSA with this metallic SOMC solution.
But more than that, I need office help. I need an eager Staff to help me organize names and needs, help write brochures and instruction manuals, wrap up final assembly, box, stamp and ship, answer phones and send emails. There is a great deal of work to done in a product launch, even one this small. I just can’t do it all at once by myself.
I am interested in building a small community of like-minded people who need a better solution against MRSA than their failing antibiotics, and want to help get this legitimate, metallic alternative out to as many people as possible.
Thanks for your contributions and help.
Greg Bender
Copyright © 2016 G. Bender, All Rights Reserved.
The Progress and the Plan:
I already have the solutions for Silver and Copper resolved. I had been working with Silver for several years now, and last year’s trial run with Copper was a clinical success. The Zinc process needs more testing to verify the purity levels. Other metallic combinations will be developed and tested in the near future.
The worldwide Medical Industry is more than anxious, approaching desperate, to find anything that will slow down, or stop, the new emergence of some older diseases that are now seemingly unstoppable by the conventionally AMA approved, antibacterial methods.
For the time being, I am still living proof that this new SOMC solutions works.
The Making of SOMC's
Because of the fast-growing nature of MRSA, there is a critical timing between the 1st mis-diagnosis, the medical testing, the correct diagnosis, Dr.’s failed antibiotic attempts, and starting an informed alternative treatment for MRSA. Even under the best of circumstances, it could be only a matter of days, even hours, to get a metallic SOMC topical treatment started in time.
Overall, the SOMC solution is best made on site, and used as soon as needed.
However, It does not take a fancy, expensive medical lab to make SOMC’s. They can be made in a piece of automated Countertop Equipment no more complicated or larger than an automatic bread-making machine. The goal is to create as many local sources of SOMC’s as possible so the response time from local clinics and caretakers is as short as possible.
The transportation of the energetic O5 activated SOMC has several legitimate issues, so making it on site for immediate use is of key importance for many reasons; reducing bottling costs and discarded plastic containers are two of the environmental concerns. From an overall logistics point of view, these transportation issues for SOMC’s that would require special currier service. From a cost standpoint, for about the same price as an emergency 4 hour delivery service for a pint of freshly activated SOMC, I can deliver to that same person a SOMC Micro-Station Machine, which can be easily mailed. And with proper instructions, they can make as much SOMC as they like, safely, in the comfort and immediacy of their own home.
My goal is not to be the single source of SOMC’s in curing MRSA. My point is to get as many SOMC Micro-Station Machines out to as many people as possible in the most direct manner for their rapid healing.
This one time investment will allow a Clinic, a MRSA Support Group, or a family, to make as much Antimicrobial SOMC Solution(s) as necessary for their future health needs, especially if they have active children that may have to visit a hospital ER someday, where MRSA may still run rampant.
Having this piece of automated equipment at home that can produce a pint of O5 activated SOMC every day could save not only one person’s life, but the lives of dozens of others around them that may contract MRSA, or another related "hospital acquired infection" in the future.
There is no medical secret about this ancient cure. Certain metals kill certain bacterium on contact and have done so for 1000's of years. Moreover, there is extensive research that is now showing the effectiveness of using Copper on railings and handles in reducing hospital-acquired infections over 90%, and the EPA has already registered Copper in 2008 as officially having Antimicrobial properties. (1)
Overall, I have developed a modern and safe way to boost the performance of those same Antimicrobial Metals with Oxygen Radicals in a convenient, concentrated liquid form for spray-on topical use. There is nothing ‘biotic about it. This is just pure Science and Physics with Metals. There’s no mystery here as the medical industry might want you to believe. No, it is much simpler than that. The right metal kills the wrong Microbe on contact. This is the safest way to make metallic Antimicrobial SOMC Solutions for Topical use at home, for your own treatment and comfort without relying solely on harmful antibiotics.
Nonetheless, the real effectiveness against late-stage MRSA infections is in the extra effervescent of Oxygen that only a “fresh batch of SOMC” has.
I wouldn't be so confident that this metallic solution can mitigate MRSA if I wasn't 100% positive that I am still alive.
I am 100% confident that I can help at least 50 people mitigate their lingering MRSA condition(s) in the same manner.
Please Donate as generously as you can, and together we can save innocent lives and eradicate this deadly HA-MRSA.
Thanks for your contributions and support.
Greg Bender
Copyright © 2016 G. Bender, All Rights Reserved.
(1) My preferred List of Internet MRSA References:
Please Note the Links about Metals.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Read our article and learn more on MedlinePlus: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Rapid MRSA Kill by Copper Live Demo Video - YouTube
1000 Year Old recipe kills Drug resistant Staph Infections. The 1000 year old potion included ingredients such as onion, garlic, and part of a cow’s stomach ...
How my family Stopped a Chronic MRSA Infection When Conventional Medicine Failed - YouTube
How to fight chronic staph infections of the skin when antibiotics stop working. Additional information on the treatment and prevention protocol we used.
How to Stop Chronic MRSA Infections | StormCloudsGathering
How to fight chronic staph infections of the skin when antibiotics stop working
1000 Year Old recipe kills Drug resistant Staph Infections - YouTube
This video is about my experience with a staph infection and how I healed my staph infection in 3 days.
Antimicrobial Properties of Copper - YouTube
An overview of the antimicrobial properties of copper alloys and their ability to kill MRSA and other harmful germs
Ancient Beauty & Health Secret, Copper & Colloidal Copper. - YouTube
How to make colloidal Copper for topical external use.
Antimicrobial Copper and the medical industry - YouTube
Antimicrobial copper is known as a touch surface that kills many germs within two hours of contact. To see more: http://www.rachiele.com Made in America with...
Metal vs. Bacteria - YouTube
Even before we knew what bacteria were capable of, we were using certain metals to help fight off their effects.. Hank Green explains how on this episode of ...
Copper Kills 97% of ICU Bacteria by Len Saputo, MD - YouTube
Antimicrobial copper surfaces in ICU kill 97% of bacteria that can cause hospital-acquired infections (HAI). This translates into a 40% reduction in the risk...
Copper Pyjamas "Helps KillL MRSA" - BBC South Today - YouTube
Thanks for watching, subscribe for more Copper Clothing TV: http://bit.ly/CopperClothingSubscribe A Portsmouth student has developed night-time clothing which...
The Disease Treating Properties of Copper - Dr Hilary Jones - YouTube
It has been known throughout history that the element copper has disease treating properties and this capacity has been exploited by many of the great civili...
The Disease Treating Properties of Copper - Dr Hilary Jones - YouTube
It has been known throughout history that the element copper has disease treating properties and this capacity has been exploited by many of the great civilizations...
How Copper Ions can Destroy the Most Virulent Infections - Dr Hilary Jones - YouTube
It has been known throughout history that the element copper has disease treating properties and this capacity has been exploited by many of the great civilizations...
CNN news Copper Antimicrobial Properties - YouTube
Copper Kills Hospital Bacteria - YouTube
Copper may be a solution to the growing, deadly problem of hospital acquired infections. When used on commonly touched surfaces, the metal can kill some of...
Microscope View of Silver Killing Bacteria - YouTube
- Captured on film for the first time, see structured silver killing pathogenic bacteria on contact. Streptococcus and Staph...
“Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, ~teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime."
"Sell a person a bottle of metallic SOMC and they can get well from MRSA once.
Set a person up with a SOMC Micro-Station and they can keep their friends and family alive for a lifetime.”
Please donate to help save the lives of innocent HA-MRSA victims.
Thank You.
Copyright © 2016 G. Bender, All Rights Reserved.
Credits & Ownership Super-Oxygenated Metallic Compound, and SOMC are trademarks owned by Greg Bender.
All related technologies, programs, inventions, equipment & I.P. represented on all related web sites, videos, white papers, brochures, blogs, emails, and other so-marked material(s) are produced and solely owned by Greg Bender.
Music Credits in the videos go to Incompetech Music and Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); also from his downloads at YouTube Audio Library. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Copyright © 2016 G. Bender, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
I am raising money to save 50 people’s lives this year from the misery of MRSA and the lingering MRSA-related conditions brought on by failing antibiotics used throughout the medical industry today.
My name is Greg Bender, and I have a background in Physics and a 30 year career in product engineering in many industries throughout the Bay Area.
(my resume is posted here: http://www.future-spark.com/F-S_White-Paper/GBRESUME-015-linked.pdf )
As an Inventor, I usually work on many projects at once, mostly out of curiosity. But this latest one became a necessity for my life. I would not be alive today if this new solution did not work on MRSA. And I know from the Internet, there a lot of other people that have been caught innocently in a similar situation. I now have reasonable proof of a safe way to mitigate MRSA.
I myself was afflicted with MRSA from a single visit to the local hospital ER and survived with my unique wit & knowledge in Physics. I would like to show this technique to the world when standard antibiotics are failing most people with lingering MRSA in a miserable way.
When I went back to the Dr.’s and questioned them about these massive rashes growing around the two injection sites that I received five days earlier at the very same ER, the subtle but resounding reply I got was astonishing.
First off, the entire ER staff went stone cold silent and began tiptoeing on eggshells. After a few minutes, the Dr. waltzes in acting like a Stage Clown on a TV contest show. He was actually congratulating me, shaking my hand, and slapping me on the back while saying, “I’m so sorry this had to happen to you…”. Besides his choice in verb tenses, I found to whole encounter very surreal.
When I mentioned the possibility of MRSA, he suggested that he did not know anything about MRSA and promptly left the curtain area to make a phone call to the next Dr.
Even though they claimed not to know what it was, I still had to insist to both the Dr. and the nurse to take a culture swab, which they were most reluctant to do. It just seemed all too common and rehearsed to me. Soon after filling out the paperwork for the next Dr., he too excused me out the door for the simple excuse that my case was “way too complicated”, and I was sent home to die from the deadly infection that I was accidentally injected with twice by the same people that one normally seeks shelter and emergency care.
And, to add insult my near fatal injury, the final test results from my culture swab proclaimed;
“No microbes found, regular epidermal flora.”
If I can save 50 people’s lives after they have been through a similar, all too common Hospital Acquired MRSA experience like this, my effort in coming back to life after MRSA will be worth it.
Please contribute, and help me save at least 50 people this year from this ongoing HA-MRSA epidemic nightmare, and then together we can save 5000 people next year.
The Background:
I have developed a new cure for MRSA and other Superbugs by intensifying the Antimicrobial Properties of certain Metals through Applied Physics. I can now synthesize CuZnO, the deadly compound needed to kill MRSA, and other Antimicrobial Metallic Compounds directly, without the use of Microbes.
This new product line of Metallic SOMC Antimicrobial Topical Solutions represents a new medical breakthrough in the fight against MRSA and other Superbugs. I just need funding to get this simple and elegant, metallic solution out into the world where standard Antibiotics simply are not working anymore.
The following Video Series showcases these new Super-Oxygenated Metallic Compounds, or SOMC’s.
These activated metallic molecules are made with a proprietary, high-voltage electrolysis process I have developed over the last several years. The success of this exclusive process is shown in a photo essay of my rapid recovery from MRSA in the first clinical trial of SOMC.

Glacial Melt Down:
Curing MRSA_1 The Superbug Onslaught.
This describes a possible source for all of the recent Superbugs that have the entire medical industry baffled and on edge.

The Real Problems with MRSA:
Curing MRSA_2 Methicillin-based SOD’s.
Methicillin’s poop stinks, and MRSA can smell it a micrometer away. The enzymes surrounding Methicillin’s metabolized byproduct of these two metals is now recognized and rejected in the Microbe World.

My Real Scary Experience:
Curing MRSA_3 My Personal Experience.
Left for dead by the same hospital ER that infected me with MRSA, I decided to try something new. It worked, and I’m alive today to tell you all about it.

The Science & Physics behind the SOMC:
Curing MRSA_4 The Science & Physics of an SOMC.
The same metallic compound that Methicillin can excrete in tiny quantities can also be synthesized in large quantities with much higher purity and Oxygen Valence Energy.
Here is why the medical industry has dubbed MRSA as the first Superbug and why they are so desperate to find another solution:
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has evolved from the original Staphylococcus bacterium because of Antibiotics.
Another family of friendly Penicillin bacterium, including Methicillin, can metabolize a metallic compound made of Copper and Zinc and this is excreted as an enzyme called SOD, or Superoxide dismutase. This metallic SOD had been deadly to Staphylococcus for quite some time. But this Methicillin SOD, being an enzymatic waste product of cellular metabolism, has a particular “smell” to it that is now recognized and rejected by the Staphylococcus and its own enzyme barrier. So now the CuZn metallic ion can no longer get close enough to do damage to the Staphylococcus cell walls.
And apparently, there are no other bacterium types on the horizon that can metabolize this metallic CuZnO molecule. This has the entire medical industry running scared.
SOMC’s, or Super-Oxygenated Metallic Compounds, are a new breed of Antimicrobial Reagents recently developed by myself, a physicist, engineer, and purposeful survivor of MRSA. SOMC’s are far more powerful and have much longer shelf lives than the obsolete Methicillin-based SOD’s and they don’t have a biological marker, so they can never be recognized or rejected by the Staphylococcus enzyme barriers.
SOMC’s are far more effective than typical SOD Enzymes that are produced in highly expensive medical laboratories by friendly Microbes, because SOMC's supersede all enzymatic interactions and cellular 'bio-protocols'. Like the proverbial "Silver Bullet", SOMC's simply shoot past enzyme barriers and ionize the cell walls instantly, on direct contact. The Microbes do not even have a chance to recognize what just dissolved them, because the rapid cellular oxidation process happens so extremely fast.
SOMC’s are specifically designed to combat the worst Skin Diseases, including MRSA, Measles, and Ebola, as well as attack this new onslaught of Superbugs that has the entire Medical Industry at a standstill.
SOMC liquids are intended for use as Topical Metallic Sprays. This reduces both direct exposure to health workers and hazardous medical wastes at the same time. For this reason, SOMC’s may prove to be quite useful in preventing “ground zero” outbreaks from spreading further.
Most importantly, compared to archaic SOD’s, these metallic specific SOMC’s can be produced quickly in mass quantities with very low overhead and zero toxic wastes.
Many countries across the World can’t even get Methicillin, much less refrigerate and process it in a sterile medical lab. These low cost SOMC’s can easily be made in large quantities on site in adverse, remote, non-sterile conditions using specialized portable equipment.
This Video Series showcases these new Super-Oxygenated Metallic Compounds, SOMC’s. These active metallic molecules are made with my proprietary, high-voltage electrolysis process. The success of this exclusive process is shown in a photo essay of my rapid recovery from MRSA in the first clinical trial of SOMC.
You can read more detailed information at:
The Immediate Goal:
The SOMC cure for MRSA can be made on your countertop with a specialized piece of electrolysis equipment. This is Not stringing a bunch of 9Volt batteries together with some paper clips. This is a calibrated, precision high voltage process; and as such, it will have all the necessary safety features to ensure your safe success.
I am raising this money to buy the parts, materials, & supplies, and rent the office space in order to build the first 50 units of a safe countertop SOMC Micro-Station. The metallic SOMC Solution it makes can be used as a Topical Antimicrobial Spray that will specifically mitigate MRSA on contact.
The very first SOMC Micro-Station prototypes will be under testing and review on this site when donations reach a critical mass; and hopefully, production of the 50 Beta Units will begin about month after that. (Another version for Silver SOMC Antimicrobial solution is available upon special request, but that unit, while useful for other ailments, will not help combat MRSA.)
Using my extensive industrial engineering skills, this new countertop SOMC Micro-Station will process one pint at a time of a given SOMC type. This proprietary process in Physics requires high voltage, and therefore, many safety features that are required by IEEE Codes & Standards, UL, CSE, VDE, OSHA and others, will have to be included. These mandatory safety features cannot be ignored, dismissed, or forgotten because of any concerns over cost or convenience. Seriously, there is no point in curing oneself from MRSA if one gets electrocuted in the process by some cheap knock-off from China.
This will genuinely be Made in the USA with the highest quality and safety in mind.
Please donate as much or as little as you can, but the goal is to build and deliver the first 50 SOMC units by the end of the year to the first 50 Clinics, MRSA Support Groups, families, and/or individuals who can sign up for these SOMC clinical trials. A small survey will be required.
If more than 50 people qualify to sign up for these voluntary trials, well, they are going to help me build the rest. So, sign up early!
This specialized equipment does require a couple of costly components and a few but necessary safety features. The final retail cost in high volume production is still likely to more than a few hundred dollars; but the overhead costs with building a product like this in these small quantities is likely to run 3-5 times more per unit.
I am 100% confident that I can help at least 50 people mitigate MRSA with this metallic SOMC solution.
But more than that, I need office help. I need an eager Staff to help me organize names and needs, help write brochures and instruction manuals, wrap up final assembly, box, stamp and ship, answer phones and send emails. There is a great deal of work to done in a product launch, even one this small. I just can’t do it all at once by myself.
I am interested in building a small community of like-minded people who need a better solution against MRSA than their failing antibiotics, and want to help get this legitimate, metallic alternative out to as many people as possible.
Thanks for your contributions and help.
Greg Bender
Copyright © 2016 G. Bender, All Rights Reserved.
The Progress and the Plan:
I already have the solutions for Silver and Copper resolved. I had been working with Silver for several years now, and last year’s trial run with Copper was a clinical success. The Zinc process needs more testing to verify the purity levels. Other metallic combinations will be developed and tested in the near future.
The worldwide Medical Industry is more than anxious, approaching desperate, to find anything that will slow down, or stop, the new emergence of some older diseases that are now seemingly unstoppable by the conventionally AMA approved, antibacterial methods.
For the time being, I am still living proof that this new SOMC solutions works.
The Making of SOMC's
Because of the fast-growing nature of MRSA, there is a critical timing between the 1st mis-diagnosis, the medical testing, the correct diagnosis, Dr.’s failed antibiotic attempts, and starting an informed alternative treatment for MRSA. Even under the best of circumstances, it could be only a matter of days, even hours, to get a metallic SOMC topical treatment started in time.
Overall, the SOMC solution is best made on site, and used as soon as needed.
However, It does not take a fancy, expensive medical lab to make SOMC’s. They can be made in a piece of automated Countertop Equipment no more complicated or larger than an automatic bread-making machine. The goal is to create as many local sources of SOMC’s as possible so the response time from local clinics and caretakers is as short as possible.
The transportation of the energetic O5 activated SOMC has several legitimate issues, so making it on site for immediate use is of key importance for many reasons; reducing bottling costs and discarded plastic containers are two of the environmental concerns. From an overall logistics point of view, these transportation issues for SOMC’s that would require special currier service. From a cost standpoint, for about the same price as an emergency 4 hour delivery service for a pint of freshly activated SOMC, I can deliver to that same person a SOMC Micro-Station Machine, which can be easily mailed. And with proper instructions, they can make as much SOMC as they like, safely, in the comfort and immediacy of their own home.
My goal is not to be the single source of SOMC’s in curing MRSA. My point is to get as many SOMC Micro-Station Machines out to as many people as possible in the most direct manner for their rapid healing.
This one time investment will allow a Clinic, a MRSA Support Group, or a family, to make as much Antimicrobial SOMC Solution(s) as necessary for their future health needs, especially if they have active children that may have to visit a hospital ER someday, where MRSA may still run rampant.
Having this piece of automated equipment at home that can produce a pint of O5 activated SOMC every day could save not only one person’s life, but the lives of dozens of others around them that may contract MRSA, or another related "hospital acquired infection" in the future.
There is no medical secret about this ancient cure. Certain metals kill certain bacterium on contact and have done so for 1000's of years. Moreover, there is extensive research that is now showing the effectiveness of using Copper on railings and handles in reducing hospital-acquired infections over 90%, and the EPA has already registered Copper in 2008 as officially having Antimicrobial properties. (1)
Overall, I have developed a modern and safe way to boost the performance of those same Antimicrobial Metals with Oxygen Radicals in a convenient, concentrated liquid form for spray-on topical use. There is nothing ‘biotic about it. This is just pure Science and Physics with Metals. There’s no mystery here as the medical industry might want you to believe. No, it is much simpler than that. The right metal kills the wrong Microbe on contact. This is the safest way to make metallic Antimicrobial SOMC Solutions for Topical use at home, for your own treatment and comfort without relying solely on harmful antibiotics.
Nonetheless, the real effectiveness against late-stage MRSA infections is in the extra effervescent of Oxygen that only a “fresh batch of SOMC” has.
I wouldn't be so confident that this metallic solution can mitigate MRSA if I wasn't 100% positive that I am still alive.
I am 100% confident that I can help at least 50 people mitigate their lingering MRSA condition(s) in the same manner.
Please Donate as generously as you can, and together we can save innocent lives and eradicate this deadly HA-MRSA.
Thanks for your contributions and support.
Greg Bender
Copyright © 2016 G. Bender, All Rights Reserved.
(1) My preferred List of Internet MRSA References:
Please Note the Links about Metals.
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Read our article and learn more on MedlinePlus: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Rapid MRSA Kill by Copper Live Demo Video - YouTube
1000 Year Old recipe kills Drug resistant Staph Infections. The 1000 year old potion included ingredients such as onion, garlic, and part of a cow’s stomach ...
How my family Stopped a Chronic MRSA Infection When Conventional Medicine Failed - YouTube
How to fight chronic staph infections of the skin when antibiotics stop working. Additional information on the treatment and prevention protocol we used.
How to Stop Chronic MRSA Infections | StormCloudsGathering
How to fight chronic staph infections of the skin when antibiotics stop working
1000 Year Old recipe kills Drug resistant Staph Infections - YouTube
This video is about my experience with a staph infection and how I healed my staph infection in 3 days.
Antimicrobial Properties of Copper - YouTube
An overview of the antimicrobial properties of copper alloys and their ability to kill MRSA and other harmful germs
Ancient Beauty & Health Secret, Copper & Colloidal Copper. - YouTube
How to make colloidal Copper for topical external use.
Antimicrobial Copper and the medical industry - YouTube
Antimicrobial copper is known as a touch surface that kills many germs within two hours of contact. To see more: http://www.rachiele.com Made in America with...
Metal vs. Bacteria - YouTube
Even before we knew what bacteria were capable of, we were using certain metals to help fight off their effects.. Hank Green explains how on this episode of ...
Copper Kills 97% of ICU Bacteria by Len Saputo, MD - YouTube
Antimicrobial copper surfaces in ICU kill 97% of bacteria that can cause hospital-acquired infections (HAI). This translates into a 40% reduction in the risk...
Copper Pyjamas "Helps KillL MRSA" - BBC South Today - YouTube
Thanks for watching, subscribe for more Copper Clothing TV: http://bit.ly/CopperClothingSubscribe A Portsmouth student has developed night-time clothing which...
The Disease Treating Properties of Copper - Dr Hilary Jones - YouTube
It has been known throughout history that the element copper has disease treating properties and this capacity has been exploited by many of the great civili...
The Disease Treating Properties of Copper - Dr Hilary Jones - YouTube
It has been known throughout history that the element copper has disease treating properties and this capacity has been exploited by many of the great civilizations...
How Copper Ions can Destroy the Most Virulent Infections - Dr Hilary Jones - YouTube
It has been known throughout history that the element copper has disease treating properties and this capacity has been exploited by many of the great civilizations...
CNN news Copper Antimicrobial Properties - YouTube
Copper Kills Hospital Bacteria - YouTube
Copper may be a solution to the growing, deadly problem of hospital acquired infections. When used on commonly touched surfaces, the metal can kill some of...
Microscope View of Silver Killing Bacteria - YouTube
- Captured on film for the first time, see structured silver killing pathogenic bacteria on contact. Streptococcus and Staph...
“Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, ~teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime."
"Sell a person a bottle of metallic SOMC and they can get well from MRSA once.
Set a person up with a SOMC Micro-Station and they can keep their friends and family alive for a lifetime.”
Please donate to help save the lives of innocent HA-MRSA victims.
Thank You.
Copyright © 2016 G. Bender, All Rights Reserved.
Credits & Ownership Super-Oxygenated Metallic Compound, and SOMC are trademarks owned by Greg Bender.
All related technologies, programs, inventions, equipment & I.P. represented on all related web sites, videos, white papers, brochures, blogs, emails, and other so-marked material(s) are produced and solely owned by Greg Bender.
Music Credits in the videos go to Incompetech Music and Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com); also from his downloads at YouTube Audio Library. Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Copyright © 2016 G. Bender, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Greg Bender
Ione, CA