Zaniyan Wellness #NoDAPL
The focus of this campaign is supporting the work at Zaniyan Wellness, herbal and medical aid station, at the Rosebud or Sicangu camp at the Standing Rock NoDAPL protest site. Started by Daphne Singingtree, it has been carried on by numerous dedicated volunteers. Zaniyan is the Lakota word for a state of health or wholeness.
We had initially set up a space at Oceti Sacewin for the tea station, taught classes, provided space for sharing, and to give away donated herbal products. On the second trip we set up the medic station and an herbal tipi at the Rosebud camp. Zaniyan Wellness offers a first aid and medical station with nurses, EMTs, NDs, MD, and other professionals working side by side with traditional healers and herbalists.
We worked out of a car canopy for many months until we were able to move into this yurt.
The medic teams at Zaniyan at one point treating over 100 people a day, and far more during protest actions. Working in collaboration with the Medic/Healer Council. The team provided an integrative approach using both herbs and access to conventional medical providers if they were available.
In addition to treatment for illnesses we offered tea, classes, immune support and a place to share knowledge.
The donated herbal tipi was used to provide a place for the herbalists and classes.
Money so far has been used for infrastucture for spaces: canopies, tarps, solar panels, 12 volt system, tables, chairs, stoves, heat, insulation, shelving, organizational bins. We have also bought and transported over 10 wood stoves, stove pipes, and related materials. Gas, travel expenses, trailer rentals for numerous trips bringing dozens of water protectors to camp. We have been working hard getting supplies to the surrounding communities as well as other protest camps.
We have just been given an evacuation order, and are in immediate need for funds to pay for gas to get donated items out of Rosebud to be redeployed at other protest camps zand distributed to the local communities.
The struggle to protect continues, and only with your support can we succeed.
Ways to support - donate here, or if you would like to make a tax-deductible donation , you can mail to: Zaniyan Center PO Box 41743 Eugene, OR 97404 We will mail you a receipt for your records or via PayPal to [email redacted]
Daphne at the first trip reading and teaching children at camp.