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David Ibbotson Please Help Bring him home

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Please help bring David Ibbotson home and help give him the send off he deserves.

As a family we are relying on the kindness of the good hearted people to help us raise the much needed funds to help us find our beloved Dad, Husband and Son.

As a family we are trying to come to terms with the tragedy and the loss of two incredible men.

To be told the search has now been called off for the foreseeable future has only made this tragic time more difficult.

We can not bare the thought of him being alone, we need him home so that we are able to lay him to rest to be able to say goodbye.

Any donations would be very much appreciated. To ensure a search is done so we are able to give David the correct send off he deserves and to support the family in moving forward after a devastating time which nobody and no family could ever prepare for.

Thank you so much for your support Ibbotson Family


Danielle Ibbotson

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