David Ruiz ii
Donation protected
On December 31st. 2018, my brother David Ruiz II, suffered a stroke from anoxia. He was transported to the nearest emergency department and placed in ICU. He became comatose and began neurogenic storming with swelling. On the 13th of January 2019, he was declared brain dead, in spite of his responsiveness to my mom's and other loved ones voices by twitching, raising his toes, feet and twitching his left hand/fingers. We later learned that the doctors stopped treating, feeding, hydrating and medicating my brother, and were informed that they would never provide for him again. Social workers, ethics committees, clergy, and comfort care doctors informed my mother that she had three options, all of which included removing the ventilator to let my brother die. They drilled my precious mother with how horrific a beautiful man like David would become and to let him die. Hospice was scheduled to remove the ventilator on the 17th of January. My mother revoked the hospice offer to transport my brother with ventilator to a beautiful room that overlooked a garden from wide open french doors, where family would surround him after he was made comfortable with two narcotic pills. My mother explained "No, that is killing my son," and "I will not assist in a hospice homocide." So, my brother remains in ICU, starving because the hospital, nor doctors will continue treatment. On the 22nd of January 2019, the hospital administrator and various other staff members entered my brother's ICU room and told her they were removing their ventilator, after moving him to an empty ICU wing in the hospital. By the grace of God and the help of the Bobby Schindler, the Terri Shaivo Foundation Network, Legal Defense for Life and Angela Clemente & Assoc, we were provided a cease to desist, which prevents hospital from removing life support. Today, David is starving in hospital and will continue to starve/dehydrate, until we get him to New Jersey to continue treatment. Help us get him there
Diana Davina
Tucson, AZ