Dr. Blair's Medical Expense Fund
Dr. Delbert Blair is an engineer, research scientist, meta-physic teacher and historian of the highest level. For over 50 years he has been the director of the Meta Center in Chicago since 1973, a former pastor of his own church and has lectured and answered questions in over 200 forums on various topics like: ‘The Facts & Myths about 2012’, ‘The 18th Dynasty of Egypt’, The Face of a Black Woman on the Pyramids of Mars’, ‘Our (2) Suns’, ‘Radiation in Hospitals’, ‘Cells from Hell: The Danger of Cell Phones & Other Energy Vampires’, ‘E.L.F. (Extra Low Frequency) Waves’, ‘Sexual Energy Dangers’, ‘The Dangers of Driving Cars and other Modes of Transportation’, ‘Melanin Wars’, ‘The Womb-Man’, ‘Why we should avoid Vaccines’, ‘Return of the Black Cosmic Forces’, ‘Applied Science of Meditation’, What are Diodes & How it can Help You’, ‘Homosexuality: What it is and What it Ain’t’ and much, much more.
Dr. Delbert Blair is a very informative presenter and this is why it is not hard to figure out why he was #1 on an unnamed hit list. Dr. Blair has received many death threats; including being poisoned which resulted in his beloved wife’s untimely death.
Dr. Blair fortunately has continued and will continue to teach the facts, and encourages you to find your own truth.
This brings us to a time for your kindness and strength:
Dr. Blair, has suffered some severe health challanges and he needs your help!
Due to Age (going on 82) and health concerns Dr. Blair has had to use his life savings just to sustain his life at its current state.
Even though he does have those around him who help, he needs your help!
He could use your help to pay his mounting medical bills, being able to keep a roof over his head and to take care basic needs such as feeding himself.
Are you able to help? Will you?
Thank you for those who have helped and continue to.
Creator Bless