
Get Diana to UCLA!
! This campaign contains informations both in English and Romanian.
Aceasta campanie contine informatii in limba engleza si romana.
EN: We all need someone who inspires, challenges and guides us to find our own voice. I was lucky enough to find my inspiration in my orthodontics professor. She taught me to see orthodontics beyond crooked teeth. I was invited to work with her in clinical research, where we have compared facial esthetic aspects of the profile after orthodontic treatment with premolar extractions. I was this type of patient myself, and this was a strong reason at the time I have decided to apply for an advanced educational program. It is important for the doctor to go through the same process as the patient in order to fully understand it. I remember when I was taking off my braces, I started to cry, because my life has changed completely and I want every patient to have this unforgettable feeling like the one I had that day.
In the last 5 years I've worked hard, achieving 10 awards and scholarships for my achievements and academic results as a student. However, now I have the chance to realise my full potential.
I am close to realising my dream, I have been accepted onto the UCLA program for residency in Orthodontics, but now I need your help. I'm hoping to raise £35000 to be able to put towards my fees, which are up to $70,000 each year.
I know this appeal for help is mostly directed to my friends and family, but incase you are reading this and have some money you'd like to donate I would be extremly grateful! The money raised will help me to finish my training and continue to help my patients to provide them with the highest level of care that I can! It means a lot to me to know that I am doing the best I can for my patients, and so attending the most recognised and highly rated Orthodontics residency program is the best I can hope to provide for them. The money raised would go directly to paying my tuition and not to my living costs, so please if you can help, give what you can.
RO: Numele meu este Diana Velicu si provin din Lupeni, Hunedoara. Primii 19 ani din viata i-am dedicat schiului alpin de performanta, fiind componenta a Lotului National si Olimpic, si reprezentând România cu success la Festivalul Olimpic al Tineretului European. Local, am fost componenta a echipei de schi alpin a C.S.S. Petrosani si Universitatea Petrosani, obtinand 6 titluri de campioana nationala. „Sportul este un element esential de educatie”. Am invatat sa lupt pentru orice victorie, dar mai important sa ma mândreasc cu numele Romaniei. Acelasi spirit l-am pastrat si in timpul studiilor de la Facultatea de Medicina Dentara, U.M.F „Carol Davila” Bucuresti. In timpul studentiei am fost bursiera datorita rezultatelor academice, premiata pentru initiative în proiecte stiintifice si lider al studentilor. De asemenea, am dezvoltat o pasiune catre ramura Ortodontiei si ortopediei dento-faciale, motiv pentru care m-am implicat activ in proiecte de cercetare, unele fiind premiate la congrese de specialitate. Interesul catre educatie si sistemul de sanatate, m-au recomandat ca Vicepresedinte al European Dental Students’ Association si am participat la consultari la Parlamentul European. Performantele obtinute, au fost recunoscute de catre Uniunea Studentilor din Romania, care m-au onorat în cadrul Galei Studentului, cu titlul de „Studentul Anului la Medicina in 2016” si de Liga Studentilor Romani din Strainatate, care la inceputul anului 2017 m-au desemnat printre cei 7 finalisti ai premiului "Studentul anului in Romania", in 2018 fiind marea castigatoare a aceleiasi categorii.
Absolvirea studiilor a fost acompaniata cu un "cadou" pe masura, fiind admisa la programul de rezidentiat in Ortodontie si ortopedie dento-faciala al University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), fiind primul roman vreodata admis in acest program, cotat numarul 1 in Statele Unite ale Americii.
Telurile mele sunt sa devin un foarte bun clinician, oferind cele mai bune tratamente pacientilor mei, un educator pe masura, pentru ca eu consider ca noi crestem prin faptul ca ii invatam si pe altii, iar in final, un bun cercetator, deoarece este nevoie in permanenta de inovatie in fiecare domeniu, aceasta universitate oferindu-mi resursele necesare pentru a realiza performante notabile!
Este o onoare pentru mine sa duc numele Romaniei atat de departe! Din pacate, acceptarea mea in program vine cu eforturi financiare pe masura, intrucat taxa de scolarizare se ridica la peste 70.000$ pe an. Familia mea nu poate suporta asemenea costuri, iar creditele pentru studenti sunt limitate in Romania, cat si in Statele Unite. Apelez la bunavointa dumneavoastra pentru a ma ajuta sa imi realizez acest vis! Impreuna putem face diferenta! Va multumesc pentru sprijin!