Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Diana Route 91 Recovery Fund

Donación protegida
Please help my aunt Diana Mcbride Litzenberg as she is still in the Las Vegas Hospital after attending the Route 91 concert and was severely injured on Sunday night when the shooting took place.

She has no feeling on her lower left side due to swelling in her spine after being trampled on by people running for shelter from the shooting. We want to make sure she, her daughter and husband have nothing to worry about when she completes her recovery and is cleared medically.

Any kind of donation is appreciated. Her daughter has been added as a beneficiary so all donations will go to her. We are praying for all other victims and families involved in this tragic incident.



  • Maurice Johnson
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Lacey Hopkins
Nicole Rapp

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