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Djama Family Medical & Support Fund

Spende geschützt
Dec 27, 2017 8:30PM Filsan Djama was crossing intersection of Frying Pan Road and Centerville road with 5 kids in her minivan, when a pickup truck chased by police hit them with full force. All family got major injuries and one child Amran (6th grader) ejected from Van with brain injuries. She is fighting for her life. The only vehicle of the family lost in this major accident. Family need support in this difficult time to recover. Please support generously for Djama family and pray for Amran for her recovery.
I Moustapha Djama am the father of Amran who is currently in COMA fighting for her life
This funds will assist to cover some expenses involving Djama ‘s family whom you know were involved in crash and who stills in critical condition.

Please see below

Updated 1-28-2018

Updated 3/5/2018- Washington post news

Incident Report


Moustapha Djama
Oak Hill, VA

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