Systemic Racism in Mental health Documentary Fund
Help us to create a 60-minute documentary on institutional racism in UK mental health services.
Dismantling the master’s house is a hard hitting documentary project in process. Our task is to dismantle the anatomy of institutional racism, specifically; its pervasion of the UK mental health system. The film will call attention to its permutations. Creating an irrefutable picture that stands testament to the problem - as well as exploring what it might take to shift the landscape.
Ultimately; the film will encapsulate the urgent need for change and go on to exist as an accessible resource available to all.
The film's structure will be a blend of the poetic and expository documentary modes. From a perspective of social justice. It will include interviews, allegorical and archival visuals, animations, as well as elements of actuality.
The film so far, features:
Suman Fernando, Akiko Hart, Jayasree Kalathil, Frank Keating, Colin King, Nathaniel Pamah, Malcolm Phillips, Jessica Pons, Greg Rogers, Dolly Sen, Hári Sewell.
The main themes the film will explore are:
What is the experience of racialised people in modern mental health services? How does institutional racism take form - and function - systemically in the mental health system? What are the cogs that make up the machine? Where lay the roots of racism in the foundations of psychiatry and psychology? Is the western concept of ‘Mental Illness’ fit to serve everybody? How are people challenging this issue and trying to change the landscape?
More information
You can find out more about the content of the film, its aims, and the production team, by visiting the film’s website.
You can also find the project on Twitter , Instagram , and Youtube , to stay up to date and see behind the scenes clips and extra content.
Use of funds:
Any donation we receive is greatly appreciated and will help in making this film as powerful and useful as we know it can be. These donations will be used for the expenses of the project, whereas all the production costs have been offered on a pro bono basis by ‘Mind Wick’. This allows the project to save a considerable amount of money. The funds will predominantly be spent on travel, support for interviewees, and venue hire.
All donors will receive:
- Early access to film upon completion
- Name in credits (this will be the name you donate with unless we hear otherwise)
- We will post updates to our donors on gofundme and donors will be notified first of any launch events

Mind Wick will be providing front to back production services pro bono. ISPS UK is supporting the crowdfunding campaign.
Thanks to:
Rachel Tribe , Alsion Faulkner, Akiko Hart, Jessica Pons, Hári Sewell, Suman Fernando, Jayasree Kalathil, Frank Keating, Sandra Griffiths, Nathaniel Pamah, Malcolm Phillips, Greg Rogers, Dolly Sen, Colin King, and everyone from the ISPS UK comittee.
John Richardson