Service Dog For Kari
Donation protected
Kari is a 33 year old woman from Wisconsin that suffers greatly from Meniere's disease, a condition of the inner ear that affects hearing and balance. Because of this her daily life is affected. Kari suffers from paralyzing vertigo attacks where she cannot move from the couch due to dizzy spells and throwing up. She has fallen numerous times due to loss of balance and has had to have others lift or carry her off the ground. She also has lost a lot of her hearing to Meniere's disease and another medical condition she was born with that effects the nerves ad bones in the ear. Kari is considered profoundly
deaf in her left ear and mod-severe in her right.
A service dog would be a great benefit Kari in many ways. It would help alert her of things she cannot hear such as her children crying, alarms that may be going off in her home, phone ringing, knocks at the door or alert if there is someone breaking into her home.
The dog will be specially trained to help with her vertigo onsets which will be helpful to Kari and her family in public or even at home. The dog will also be a comfort to Kari if she need be bed ridden during an attack. The dog will be able to fetch items dropped on the ground or even go for help to family and neighbors need be. And help balance or brace a fall need be.
Service dogs trained to the special needs of Kari are pricey and although Kari does work, due to her disabilities cannot work as much as needed to afford one of these pricey dogs on her own. Any help would go a long way! Any funds left will be donated to another person in need of a service dog!
Kari has been accepted by a local foundation called Paws 4 Independence. Paws 4 Independence is a 501(c)(3) organization that trains the dogs with their owners from the beginning. In doing this the dog and handler build a stronger bond and the handler will know how to correct problems as they arise and will have the knowledge to continue training the dog throughout its life. Paws 4 Independence provides training for the lifetime of the dog. They have training classes twice a week and many participants find that Paws 4 Independence is a family from which they can find support because everyone is going through the difficulties of having a disability and knows the struggles that come from experiences being in the public eye with their Service Dog. There are not a lot of owner-trained Service Dog programs out there yet. Having this format to training allows us to train more dogs because they are not reliant on foster homes for ALL of our dogs, we are able to keep the cost of Service Dog training substantially lower ($3,500 versus $5,000 - $50,000+ for a dog that is trained by a program before you receive it), handlers are paired with their dog from the beginning rather than at the end of the dog's training, and we can quickly resolve any issues that may come up
Thank you for your time!
deaf in her left ear and mod-severe in her right.
A service dog would be a great benefit Kari in many ways. It would help alert her of things she cannot hear such as her children crying, alarms that may be going off in her home, phone ringing, knocks at the door or alert if there is someone breaking into her home.
The dog will be specially trained to help with her vertigo onsets which will be helpful to Kari and her family in public or even at home. The dog will also be a comfort to Kari if she need be bed ridden during an attack. The dog will be able to fetch items dropped on the ground or even go for help to family and neighbors need be. And help balance or brace a fall need be.
Service dogs trained to the special needs of Kari are pricey and although Kari does work, due to her disabilities cannot work as much as needed to afford one of these pricey dogs on her own. Any help would go a long way! Any funds left will be donated to another person in need of a service dog!
Kari has been accepted by a local foundation called Paws 4 Independence. Paws 4 Independence is a 501(c)(3) organization that trains the dogs with their owners from the beginning. In doing this the dog and handler build a stronger bond and the handler will know how to correct problems as they arise and will have the knowledge to continue training the dog throughout its life. Paws 4 Independence provides training for the lifetime of the dog. They have training classes twice a week and many participants find that Paws 4 Independence is a family from which they can find support because everyone is going through the difficulties of having a disability and knows the struggles that come from experiences being in the public eye with their Service Dog. There are not a lot of owner-trained Service Dog programs out there yet. Having this format to training allows us to train more dogs because they are not reliant on foster homes for ALL of our dogs, we are able to keep the cost of Service Dog training substantially lower ($3,500 versus $5,000 - $50,000+ for a dog that is trained by a program before you receive it), handlers are paired with their dog from the beginning rather than at the end of the dog's training, and we can quickly resolve any issues that may come up
Thank you for your time!
Kari Rose
La Crosse, WI