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Dom and Tam lost everything

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On Dec 26th, Tamara and Dominic lost their mobile home and all their belongings to a devastating fire. Like many others in Ireland, they were waiting for months to be housed by the local council. Fingers crossed they will be allocated somewhere safe, secure and most of all, liveable. Until then, I hope to gather some funds to help them get back on their feet. They lost everything but were lucky not to be in. However, they are still heart broken.
Dominic is a mature student and Tamara is a care assistant in a nursing home. They don't have well paid jobs. I am Dominic's sister and it really upsets me to think they lost everything. Unfortunately, I am not in a position to help out a lot financially but I hope that many would come together and help them out at this difficult time. Every little helps. Thanks Emma x


Emma Lynch

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