My brother Dustin Theobald was at one of our local beaches Friday, July 13th and was attacked by a shark. He was in about 2 ft of water with his son on a surfboard playing in the surf when he felt something grab his foot. He shook it off the first time but it hit him again this time tearing into the top of his foot and ligaments. He was rushed to our local hospital then transferred to shands in Jax. He is waiting to go into surgery now to try to repair and get feeling back in his foot. Due to this tragedy he is expected to be off his foot for at least 6 weeks. Throughout that time he will be going through physical therepy to regain feeling and strength in his foot and toes (as ligaments were torn). After the several rescue transportation, nights in the hospital and all the physical therepy; this is going to be very very costly and if you know Dustin you know he won't ask anyone for help. So I am reaching out to friends and family to please help him in his time of need. And help him get back on his feet (pun intended, im still his brother).
Dustin works full time as one man handy man and runs his own business so there will be no income while he recoperates for at least 6 weeks. This includes not being able to drive while recovering. And as we all know bills don't stop! He has Florida blue Obamacare which we have had major issues with them contesting claims and paying very little. With the recurring rescue trips, ER, several nights in the hospital, at least 2 surgeries, physical therepy and everything else that has/will add up over this terrible day at the beach. Thanks everyone for your support as we are just trying to keep him afloat until he heals and can get back to work!