Thursday morning myself and my two sons Kolton age 5 and hunter age 2(in 4 days) hit black ice in Graham headed to drop Kolton off at school. We avoided hitting a car head on but that sent us up into the trees on the side of the road where we hit a tree on hunters side of the truck. The force flipped the truck and we landed upside down. The impact completely crushed Hunters side of the truck in. We all had to be cut out of the truck. Hunter was in his rear facing safety 1st car seat in the accident which saved his life without a doubt! We were all taken to the hospital that morning by ambulance. Hunter ended up with a broken left femur and minor cuts and bruises. Kolton and I only ended up with some scrapes and bruises. Over all we are ok. Our truck on the other hand is totalled and we only had liability insurance. I decided to ask our friends and family for help in finding a new vehicle, medical bills that won't be covered by our insurance and car seats for the boys. Anything will help but all I'm looking for is support :) thank you everyone love, The Barretts