Need help with bills
2018 has been… a year, and I am badly in need of help. I’ve got (already late) house payments pending and am not going to be able to get a check in hand in time to pay them. I need about three grand to hand to the bank by mid-Jan.
After my father died earlier in the year and funeral expenses wiped out my savings, I asked y’all for help to get my feet under me, and I was humbled by your generosity. For about a day, I thought things were going to be okay.
Then parvovirus (feline panleukopenia) scythed through the house, and every penny of that buffer vanished into vet bills, along with another thousand dollars in debt I couldn’t afford to take on but was at least able to juggle into a payment plan. I’ve had some people tell me that was a stupid thing to do, but… one of the last things my mom asked me on her deathbed was to look after her cats. I didn’t know what else to do.
A lot of them died anyway (parvo is the worst), but because of your help I was able to save Spook, Little George, Baby Cat, and one kitten, Fax.
I hobbled along as best I was able through the summer, fall, and now on into winter. I felt like I’d already had so much help I didn’t have the right to ask for more. I hustled and stayed afloat for a while, but… I don’t have a choice any more. So here we are. I need your help to hang onto my home and the surviving members of my furry family. So I’m asking, please, to help me get through the month and—if it’s possible, if miracles can happen—give me a stability buffer so I can get myself fixed up with sustainable income, rather than constantly fighting out from under late payment fees. If you can help at all, even just by spreading this Gofundme around, you have my eternal gratitude.