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Eapen Thampy Legal Defense Fund

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For his entire career, Eapen has stood up for the rights of people he believed faced injustice.

Today, Eapen needs your help.

As you know, Eapen is now facing a 10-year mandatory minimum sentence for a federal marijuana conspiracy charge.

Ten years to life. For a plant.

I support Eapen’s cause because nobody accused of a non-violent drug crime should face a harsher sentence than a violent criminal. Every day in this county we see sex offenders and even murderers facing milder sentences. This profoundly offends my sense of decency and pride in my country.

I’ve only known Eapen for a couple years, but in that short time, I’ve seen him stand up as a champion for the First Amendment, criminal justice reform, drug policy reform, and marijuana law reform. And that’s just the short list.

He’s also done more than anybody I know to end the marijuana black market and its associated violence. It wasn’t always easy or safe to talk about marijuana law reform, but watch this speech Eapen gave in 2010 at the Joplin Cannabis Revival. Or this campaign speech Eapen gave for Gary Johnson in 2012, slamming the War on Drugs. Or read this blog post Eapen wrote in 2014, decrying the pervasive violence in the black market and calling for it to end.

Eapen needs your help funding his legal defense. But I’m not asking you to give your hard earned money out of sympathy. I’m asking because Eapen’s case will make a difference; 

It already has.

Eapen’s case is forcing a hard discussion here in Missouri and at the highest levels of the Republican and Democratic parties.

I’ll leave you with the courageous words of former Missouri Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder. When he heard of the charges against Eapen, he told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch “I would say that he is a friend”.


  • Bryan Basler
    • $100
    • 4 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Friends of Eapen Thampy (4)

Jasper Logan
Kansas City, MO
Eapen Thampy
David Martin
Team member
John Watkins
Team member
Seth Schibler
Team member

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