EarRelevant: classical music journalism
EarRelevant is "Atlanta's voice for classical and post-classical music." under the leadership of its founder, editor and principal writer Mark Gresham, whose experience as a music journalist spans 30 years.
In mid-February 2019 Gresham found it necessary to create a new full-time vehicle for providing substantive coverage of classical music, post-classical music and opera, with its hub and primary focus in Atlanta, Georgia, and the surrounding region, but with potential capacity for much wider reach.
This fund-raising campaign provides baseline capital with which to sustain EarRelevant and the production of content while we build readership and other revenue sources.
Although not a non-profit (you may if you wish call it "social capitalism"), the work done by EarRelevant in public dissemination of music journalism itself benefits non-profits in the music genres listed above by continually informing their audiences and potential audiences with substantive reviews, previews and topical articles in its channels of "Symphony & Opera," "Chamber Music & Recital," "Media & Tech," "This Week," "Composer's Notebook" and "Education & Community."
Not only will we be grateful for your support, but so will the various musical entities who gain public exposure through EarRelevant. Join us in this exciting new adventure. Your generous contribution through this campaign is an important part of moving our mission forward.
GoFundMe is only one of the ways you can support EarRelevant. For more info about that and about the publication itself, contact [email redacted] or visit the wensite at www.earrelevant.net .