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Yanet Alvarez College Fund

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My name is Sgt Chris Cognac, I am a police officer in Hawthorne California. I am doing everything I can to help a very smart and amazing young woman name Yanet Alvarez make it through college at UC Berkeley . She has made all the right choices in life and worked so hard to get where she is in spite of everything against her. All proceeds from this fund will go to her expenses, books, fee's, clothing etc . She dreams of becoming a Doctor and I want to do everything I can to help her achieve that dream. I am not related to her in any way, she is just an amazing young lady who deserves a fighting chance! I wrote a story about meeting her by chance while working. It's called "the cop and the motel kid" which was featured in the Huffington Post. 

Thanks a bunch for investing in this young girls future.

Chris Cognac


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Chris Cognac
Hawthorne, CA

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