Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Electoral College Petition

Spende geschützt
My name is Daniel Brezenoff , and I'm the person who started this petition . I left my job to support this petition drive full time.

I've got a great team of friends, experts, and volunteers, and we are not going away. We are going to push this with everything we have right up to December 19!

We've asked for your help funding this effort, and your response has been phenomenal! And, we still need support Your donations will help fund:

Mass media campaign
Web technology
Legal counsel
Office and operations
Support for Electors

Your donations are extremely helpful and we are deeply grateful for your confidence and support!

Don't forget to visit electoralcollegepetition.com and share with friends and family.

Thank you so much!



Daniel Brezenoff
Long Beach, CA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt