Elise Fights Cancer: We Got This!
We Got This Campaign.
UPDATE 1: Elise Fights Cancer
A recent biopsy indicates Elise has a diagnosis of Triple Negative Breast Cancer.
This is a highly aggressive and abnormal breast cancer for which there is no targeted treatment yet.
This community sourcing of resources is our way to help ensure we have all the necessary tools in our grasp to pave the future forward for fully funding Elise's complete treatment to tackle her cancer.
We are exploring all types of available treatment options, with full health as our goal, your support is incredibly appreciated and our gratitude for you is boundless. We appreciate every token of consideration and intention healing vibes and want to offer our sincerest thanks.
As is Elise's very nature, others before self is a constant mantra which has guided her through this life. Despite an intimidating diagnosis, her first thoughts were to continue helping others and her dreams of creating a scholarship as well as continuing her work with her magazine The Jamwich. A magazine dedicated to the uplifting of the grassroots music and arts community. We would like to accelerate the timeline for her goals and to do so requires financial assistance that we are seeking through crowd funding. Ultimately, her cancer treatment and travel requirements of 3 hours drive time will create a financial strain as well as the more typical costs of months long medical treatment.
From our original post with the announcement of the cancer diagnosis:
"An open letter to our family, friends and community.
What I have to say at this moment is incredibly difficult. Some of you already know, but most of you do not. This past October has been one of the most trying and unfortunately, the next twelve months are going to make it look like an easy month.
After Resonance Elise found a lump in her right breast. She had a gyno appointment coming up at the start of October. Her gyno then set up a mammogram which led to a sonogram which led to a biopsy. We received the results for the biopsy on Tuesday and consulted with a surgeon and oncologist yesterday afternoon. She has been diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. This is a highly aggressive and abnormal breast cancer that refers to any breast cancer that does not express the genes for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and HER2/neu. This means that there is no targeted treatment for this type of cancer but there are still numerous treatment options. They took a blood sample so they can test for the BRCA1 gene. Determination of this will result in a clearer picture of which treatments we move forward with.
The other night I asked her to make a list of goals of which she would like to see achieved in the following 12 months. In true Elise fashion, those goals had nothing to do with her and everything to do with others. The first goal is to fully establish our non profit scholarship fund JAMMA. I will be establishing a go fund me in order to fast track this process as well as to raise funding for hiring additional staff and resources so that we can keep the magazine, The Jamwich up and running while she is undergoing treatment. There will likely be numerous financial hurdles moving forward, and that’s my responsibility as her husband. However it will be difficult to handle the massive increase in duties and finances.
Life changes in an instant. All the plans we make mean nothing when fate steps in. I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it, do more take less, love is an action word so get busy. You never know when your time will end and how much will be taken from you at any given moment. Hug your loved ones, assess your priorities, be vigilant and always do the right thing, you may not get a second chance.
With love in our hearts and hope in our thoughts, we will continue to move forward in trying to lift up the community. We will be attending a few shows prior to treatment. Try to come out and spend some time with us before we get started down this trying road.
11.3 Lettuce Feat. Waka Flocka Flame & Marcus King w/ Turkuaz
11.8 Content Coma Tour: Papadosio W/ Litz at The Underground
11.9 Content Coma Tour: Papadosio W/ Litz at the Lincoln Theatre
11.10 Content Coma Tour: Papadosio W/ Litz at 9:30 Club
Taco and Elise
#domoretakeless #loveisanactionword #getbusy #cantstopwontstop