Emergency Medical Kit for R/C Races
Hello R/C family,
LiveRC is starting a fund raising campaign to purchase an emergency medical kit that will be available at numerous R/C races around the world that we attend. Every year, LiveRC attends the largest events in the world with hundreds of racers at each event. With this number of people, we have unfortunately witnessed people having heart attacks, allergic emergencies, strokes, and more. Our goal with this fund raiser is to raise money to purchase an emergency medical kit that goes beyond the normal first aid kit. If this fund raiser is able to help save even one person in our racing family, it will be money well spent. The most expensive thing we are looking to get is a defibrulator. This can restart a persons hear in case of a heart attack, and having one on site is critical because an abulance can be many minutes away at some tracks. The items we are looking to purchase are:
*Phillips HeartStart AED (defibrulator in case of a heart attack), plus extra batter, extra pads, child pads, etc.
*CPR kit
*Extended general first aid kit with gause, bandaids, etc.
*Epipen (in case of extreme allergy such as bee sting, peanuts, etc)
The budget for these items is about $2200, plus the fees that GoFundMe takes out. If there is any money left over, this will go into a separate bank account to be used for annual maintance and upgrades to the medical kit.
We kindly ask anyone who feels like us racers are a big family to make a donation, no matter how big or small, to help potentially save a life.
AKA Products Inc.
Pro-Line Racing
A special thanks to Pro-Line Racing, who has offered to match all donations up to $1250. Thank you!