I created EmPOWER ME with the goal of giving girls the opportunity to empower themselves through strong connections, self-confidence, healthy life choices, and DREAMING BIG! I constructed the curriculum with all of that in mind and I am confident that the girls will both have fun and learn valuable life lessons!
I am piloting EmPOWER ME at an Elementary School in my community. I have run one successful group of EmPOWER ME! I had 7 girls in my first group. I have sent home flyers to ask for participants for my second group and within a few days I already have 11 girls for signed up!! This is AMAZING! As some of you may know, starting from the ground up is challenging. All of the expenses to facilitate these groups in the way I intended will come out of my pocket.
I am setting up this "Gofundme" page to acquire funds to assist me in providing healthy snacks, art supplies, books, journals, and EmPOWER ME t-shirts for the young girls in the program.
If you choose to donate to EmPOWER ME and its cause you can assure yourself that the donation will be used to strengthen the lives of young girls!
Charisse Murphy
Founder, EmPOWER ME