25 of the Best Irish Charities to start fundraising for

Ireland loves making a difference – and that’s why charity fundraising is so important . One of the best ways to do so in the digital era is by using crowdfunding. Whether it’s a fun run, brave the shave, celebrating the memory of a lost loved one, or a birthday, one of the biggest questions people have when setting up a charity campaign is who to give to. That’s where we want to help.
We’ve collected 25 of the most popular charities for those looking to make a difference. We chose these charities because they’re well-liked, accountable, and great causes.
Finding the right charity for you
The real question when it comes to giving isn’t why, but who? Choosing a charity is a hugely personal decision. Start by thinking about the causes closest to your heart. For example, are you an animal person? Or have you experienced illnesses such as dementia in your family and want to help others in the same position? Or do you want to protect the environment? To help you make a difference, we have selected some of the 25 of the best Irish charities to donate to below. Each one represents a hugely important cause.
What are the best charities to donate to in Ireland
1. Irish Cancer Society
The Irish Caner Society describes itself as “a community of patients, survivors, volunteers, supporters, health and social care professionals and researchers. Together we are transforming the experiences and outcomes of people affected by cancer through our advocacy, support services and research.”
2. The Irish Heart Foundation
The Irish Heart Foundation is a charity founded in 1966 based in Dublin. It runs support groups for patients who have had heart problems or strokes and campaigns on public health issues which affect the risk of heart disease and stroke.
3. Pieta House
Since opening in 2006, Pieta House has helped over 60,000 people in suicidal distress or engaging in self-harm.
They now operate 20 locations across Ireland and employs over 200 therapists and support staff. The charity provides free counselling to those with suicidal ideation, those engaging in self-harm, and those bereaved by suicide. Staff are fully qualified and provide a professional one-to-one therapeutic service.
4. Ronald McDonald House Charities
Ronald McDonald provide accommodation and a caring, supportive environment for families whose children are undergoing medical treatment at CHI at Crumlin.
They aim to keep families together in times of great distress.
5. Sightsavers
Every day, around the world, children go blind from illnesses that are entirely preventable. Sightsavers Ireland is an international organisation that works with partners in more than 30 countries to try and stop this from happening. Across the world, Sightsavers say 12 million people are blind because of cataracts when an operation that costs just £30 could save their sight. Whether you fancy running a marathon, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, a tandem skydive, or something slightly more relaxing, you can start fundraising for them on GoFundMe today.
The CRBI has been saving lives at sea in and around the Ireland since 1824, and there are hundreds of RNLI fundraising branches which support a particular station or project. They are always looking for members of the public to get involved with giving. They even suggest hosting your own pirate day to raise cash.
7. Irish Red Cross
It doesn’t matter who or where you are—if you’re in crisis, the Irish Red Cross will help you. The Irish Red Cross is the Irish body of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. They are currently running campaigns to help refugees in Syria and refugees in Myanmar, plus an ongoing crisis fund for those in the Ireland. Red Cross suggest you get involved through volunteering, donating, or organising a sponsored silence to raise money.
8. Samaritans
As well as providing dedicated, round-the-clock support for those who need it most on the phone, the Samaritans work within communities to raise awareness of mental health issues. They are always looking for volunteers if you want to donate time, but the Samaritans encourage those looking to fundraise to get in touch and let them know about their plans.
9. Save the Children
Save the Children work in more than 50 countries around the world to fight for children’s rights in some of the hardest places to be a child. They work to improve lives through education and healthcare as well as providing relief at times of crisis. Tough Mudder, an endurance event series that requires some serious preparation, is a popular choice of fundraiser promoted by the charity. But if you’re looking for a slightly less rigorous challenge, you could try a 10k charity run like previous GoFundMe users.
10. Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC)
The ISPCC works to protect children and prevent child abuse. They publish guides about how to keep children safe, the signs of child abuse, and have a 24-hour service to help if you’re worried about a child’s safety. You can support them through social events, such as galas, volunteering, or traditional fundraising.
11. Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA)
The ISPCA is Ireland’s biggest animal welfare charity, and it works tirelessly to secure the safety and welfare of animals. It relies solely on donations from the public to make a difference. They are also looking for volunteers who can make a practical difference to the lives of animals across Ireland. As for fundraising ideas, what about a pet photo contest or pet wash?
12. Christian Aid Ireland
The official relief and development agency of 41 British and Irish churches, much of Christian Aid’s fundraising work coincides with major Christian festivals such as Christmas, Lent, and Easter. The charity works globally to support sustainable development, stop poverty, support civil society, and provide disaster relief in South America, the Caribbean, Africa, and Asia, including the Middle East.
13. Irish Wildlife Trust
The Irish Wildlife Trust ( IWT ) aims to conserve wildlife and the habitats they depend on throughout Ireland while encouraging a greater understanding and appreciation of the natural world and the need to protect it. The Irish Wildlife Trust was founded in 1979 as a non-governmental organisation and charity.
14. UNICEF Ireland
UNICEF’s catchphrase, ‘For Every Child In Danger’, says it all: they aim to change policies and practices that are detrimental to children’s rights in the UK and internationally. The organisation upholds the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and raises funds for worldwide emergency and development work.
15. Marie Keating Foundation
Following their mother Marie’s death from breast cancer in 1998, the Keating family promised to provide the people of Ireland with vital information, advice and support on the signs and symptoms of cancer and help to prevent cancer or detect it at its earliest stages. The Foundation’s mission is to make cancer less frightening by enlightening and our aim is to live in a world free from the fear of cancer.
16. Dublin Simon Community
The Dublin Simon Community help people to access and retain a home by providing housing, prevention, addiction treatment, emergency response and other targeted interventions, through advocacy and partnership. Despite their name they actually operate in Kildare, Wicklow, Meath, Louth, Cavan, Monaghan and of course, Dublin.
17. Mary’s Meals
€18.30 is all it costs for us to feed a child for a whole school year. Mary’s Meals provides life-changing meals to some of the world’s poorest children every day they attend school.
18. Alzheimer’s Society
One of Irelands biggest dementia charities, the Alzheimer’s Society helps fund groundbreaking research, support centres, advice, and campaigns to help those with dementia and their families. The Alzheimer’s Society promise that every penny pledged will help them support those with dementia and their families, which may be why they are such a popular choice for GoFundMe users. Previous fundraisers include movie nights, charity skydives, and sponsored runs.
19. Médecins Sans Frontières (IE)
Also known as Doctors Without Borders, the IE entity of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) work to send medical teams where they’re needed most after natural disasters and in conflict zones or epidemics. MSF are currently working in Afghanistan, Yemen, with refugees crossing the Mediterranean sea, and with the Rohingya people.
20. Feileacain
Statistics show one in four women will lose a baby during pregnancy and childbirth.
Feileacain offers support to anyone affected by the death of a baby around the time of birth, and the organisation is now the national charity supporting families affected by perinatal loss. Feileacain is a volunteer led organisation and receives no funding from central government, relying instead on the support of our community and the families who avail of their services.
21. Laura Lynn
Laura Lynn’s mission is to provide a Community of Care that delivers evidence-based, personalised services to children with palliative care needs, complex care needs and complex disabilities, while also providing family support services and a home to our residents where quality-of-life is paramount.
22. Dog’s Trust Ireland
Because sometimes man’s best friend needs a helping hand, the Dogs Trust offers sponsoring, rehoming and advice to promote the wellbeing of dogs. They recommend getting involved by raising money through selling items on eBay, asking friends to sponsor you to stop smoking, or by going on sponsored walks and runs.
23. CDPA
The CDPA focuses on rehoming domestic and feral cats and dogs. Their mission is to promote, provide for and improve the welfare of cats and dogs through education, intervention, and rehabilitation and to prevent cruelty to all animals.
24. Jigsaw
Jigsaw works to improve mental health amongst young people in Ireland. It offers advice and support to people aged between 12 and 25.
25. Jack and Jill
Jack & Jill provide in-home nursing care and respite support for children up to the age of 6, with a range of neurodevelopmental issues including brain injury, genetic diagnosis and severe cerebral palsy.
Start helping your favourite cause today
Inspired? You can raise money for any charity you want using GoFundMe. The options for fundraising are limitless, from skydiving to sponsored silences to head shaving.
You can set up a page in seconds, and start fundraising immediately. The GoFundMe platform is easy to use, as well as fast and goes directly to the charity.
Our crowdfunding experts have produced fundraising resources to help you how to raise as much money for your cause as possible. We know how busy you are, which is why you can fundraise on-the-go with our app.
We’re proud our service is so easy and so fun to use. And just in case you need them, our customer support operates seven days a week, across all hours.
There are so many ways to get involved to help top-rated charities – and so many reasons why GoFundMe is the best way to get involved.