How to Collect Money Online

Physically collecting money for an office party or a leaving gift can often be a nightmare. People rarely carry cash these days and with the pandemic seeing a shift to employees working from home, it’s made online collections much harder. Fortunately, there is a way to do this remotely as you can collect money online. Whether you are organising a charity collection, a leaving collection, raising funds to give your colleague a gift, or doing something completely different, virtual fundraisers offer a simple way to raise money so your colleagues can contribute to your collection with the click of a button.
What you Need to Know About Virtual Collections
A virtual collection also known as a money pool is a great way to collect multiple individuals’ money in one place. The beauty of fundraising online is that it makes it easy for everyone to contribute in their own time. They can be used to raise funds for anything you like, here we will outline how the process works. You can also visit our how it works page for more tips on how to set up a fundraiser which will help you collect money online.
How to Collect Money Online For a Gift
Leaving collection online and gifts
If you are raising funds for a leaving collection online or a gift there are a number of things to keep in mind such as how much you want to raise, what the funds are going towards and so on. The following tips will help you navigate this process and teach you how to collect money online for a gift.
How do I get started?
Using a crowdfunding platform is the easiest way to launch your virtual collections. You can create a fundraiser in a matter of moments.
Remember to personalise your campaign
Once you have signed up you can personalise your fundraiser by adding a picture and a description about your collection explaining who or what it is for. This gives you a good opportunity to make it fun. If it is a collection for someone’s leaving gift you can include a photos of them during their time working for your company.
Set a goal
Setting a collection goal is a good way of giving people something to aim for. If you already know what gift you want to give someone, set the goal as the price of the gift. If you haven’t decided yet, set a rough goal, you can always adjust it later.
Remember to make it private
If your collection is to raise funds for a surprise gift you can make it private so that only the people you share it with can see it.
Make sure the money goes to the right place.
If you are raising money for a particular person and you would prefer to send them the money raised directly, you can do this by making them the beneficiary of the campaign. If you would rather use the money to buy a gift and present it to the person, you can withdraw the funds directly into your account.
Charity collections
If you are raising money for a charity, you can select your chosen charity from a drop down menu when you set up your campaign. Once you have selected a charity the money raised will automatically be sent to that charity as part of your charity collections. It is a good idea to say in your description why you have chosen to raise funds for your chosen charity and what it means to you, either as an individual or a company.
Sharing is caring
Once you are happy with your fundraiser, the next step is to share it with everyone who you think will want to contribute. You can do this through Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp and emails. Let people know that your collection exists and watch the money roll in.
Start your Virtual Collection today
So what are you waiting for? Why not start your virtual collection on GoFundMe today.
It couldn’t be easier to set up a fundraiser, share the link on your social media platforms and start racking up donations from supporters.
Our experts are on hand to offer 24-hour help and advice and you can use our mobile app to check in on your fundraising progress on the move.