How to progress from a 10k to a half marathon

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| 0 min read

Running 10k is a huge achievement and is a fantastic goal to aim for. 

Training to get to that level is a great way to spend your time and is the perfect opportunity to fundraise. 

But you don’t need to stop there. 

Once you’ve run that far you can easily train to attempt a half-marathon. 

With steady training and running a little more each time, you can do it and raise funds for good causes along the way. Read on to find out how you can.

How far is a half-marathon?

A half-marathon is roughly 13 miles. 

To be exact, it’s 13.1094 miles – exactly half the distance of a full marathon. That’s roughly 21k. 

Although that sounds like a huge leap from 10k, it’s certainly doable and is something that you can aim for having already achieved running 10k without stopping. 

Half-marathons are very popular, with thousands of events taking place globally every year, and sees adults from all ages taking part. 

Runners can walk and run part of the race and everyone can go at their own pace. 

There will be some runners who can complete a 10k in one hour and runners who take two hours to run that distance. 

What matters is runners who take part in half-marathons can already comfortably do a 10k, as this means you have the stamina to keep going and push on to reach the finish line of a longer race. 

How long does it take to train for a half-marathon?

Running a half-marathon is personal and different for each runner. 

Depending on age, fitness and experience everyone’s finish time and pace will be different. 

Whether this is your first or tenth half-marathon though, it’s important you put the training in ahead of the big day. 

If you have already got to the stage where you can run 10k, you will be in great shape to start training for longer races. Considering this, it’s good to allow yourself at least 8-12 weeks to train properly. 

Although it sounds like a very long distance, you can build the distance up gradually. This can be done by adding a little more on to each run you do and by walking during long runs. 

You can also train with friends, alter running routes and try out runs with hills and different slopes. 

Running a half-marathon fundraiser

Taking on the challenge of a half-marathon is a brilliant opportunity to raise money for charity and causes important to you. 

As half-marathons are announced in plenty of notice of the event, you can set up a fundraiser and track your progress for followers and donors. As you train you can let people know how you’re getting on and why their donations are motivating you to continue. 

Running a half-marathon is also a huge achievement and maybe not something you will do regularly, so it’s a great time to fundraise if you’ve never done this before either. 

You’re also not limited in what you can raise funds for. 

If you like, you can obtain a charity place in a half-marathon and raise funds for a specific charity that you feel close to. 

Or you can set up a crowdfunder for a cause important to you; such as a local community cause, a friend or family member or something you would like to help. 

If you’re fundraising for a good cause, it couldn’t be easier – you can set up your GoFundMe so money raised goes directly to them. Or if you’re fundraising for yourself or someone around you, it’s just as easy to get donations straight to yourself or them.

Tips for going from 10k to half-marathon distance

There are lots of ways you can train for a half-marathon and take your 10ks further. 

Read below for some of our tips. 

Adjust your pace to the longer distance

Just as you’ve had to adjust your pace to run from 5k to 10k, you’ll need to alter your pace to suit running a longer distance. 

A half-marathon is double the distance of a 10k, so your pace should adjust accordingly to this. 

There’s plenty of ways you can monitor your pace and improve. You can download popular fitness apps that measure how quickly you can run 1k, 5k and 10k. 

Pace calculators and charts  can also help you track your times and, in turn, your progress. 

It may be the case that you need to slow right down and run 1k slower than you normally would, so not to tire yourself out. 

Pick a structured training plan

When you’re on a good run, it’s easy to think you can keep going and run too far too quickly. 

This runs the risk of tiring yourself out, or worse, injuring yourself. 

To train for a half-marathon, you need to build up your training gradually. 

Specific training plans can help you lengthen the distance of your runs as you go. It’s also important to remember that you need to rest. 

Allowing rest days means you can come back stronger and take on a longer run without exhausting yourself. 

Each person is different too, so it’s a great idea to get a training plan that’s adjusted to your age, weight and fitness level. 

Pay attention to your post-run recovery

Just as rest days are crucial in your training, so is post-run recovery. 

This means looking after yourself after each run and taking steps to make sure you can run again injury-free. 

It’s important to cool down immediately after a race, stretch and drink plenty of water. 

There’s lots of advice online about good stretches to do after and how to build up your muscle strength. 

Great active recovery methods are important to help you train for longer distances. 

The top half marathons in Ireland

Whether you want to find an event near you or take part in large-scale events, there’s plenty of half-marathons you can get involved in. 

Dublin Half Marathon

The Dublin Marathon is an annual event that takes place on October 29th. 

The route stretches throughout the city and costs €110 per entry,  plus a handling charge of €3.

The event welcomes people running for charity places. 


Taking place in Galway, the half-marathon starts in Leenane and finishes 13.1 miles away in Maam 


The beautiful, scenic route takes you through two ‘tough’ hills and takes place on April 23rd. 

The entry fee is €70. 

Wexford Half Marathon

Also taking place on April 23rd, the Wexford half-marathon is another scenic run for racers. 

Starting on the Quays of Wexford Town, runners and walkers will then travel out to the countryside and enjoy a sheltered route that brings them back towards the finish line at the historic ‘Faythe’. 

From January 1st, the event is €41 to enter. 

Great Limerick Run

The Great Limerick run takes place through Limerick’s city centre, riverside, suburb and countryside locations.

The race takes place on April 30th and registration is now open to enter. 

Cork City Half Marathon

An overall flat course, the Cork City half-marathon takes place on June 4th. 

The half-marathon early bird entry is priced at €55. 

Start your charity fundraising on GoFundMe today

Thinking of running a half marathon? Why not run for charity? It’s fast, easy and safe. Start a fundraiser now in just seconds.