Envío de Insumos Prim. Auxilios UCV
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Hola! Somos una organización de venezolanos residenciados en Miami llamada "Somos Ayuda Venezuela" queriendo ayudar a nuestro país en estos momentos tan difíciles. Unimos fuerzas con la organización de estudiantes de medicina de la UCV (Primeros Auxilios UCV) que se encargan de prestar ayuda médica en las protestas. Nuestro fin es envíar insumos a Venezuela y necesitamos el apoyo de todos . Estos insumos serán entregados al grupo de Primeros Auxilios de la UCV.
Ayudemos a quienes hoy luchan por nosotros.
Juntos somos la solución!!!! GRACIAS!
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
Facebook: Somos Ayuda Vzla
Instagram: @somosayudavzla
*Por favor difundir*
Hello! We are a group of Venezuelans currently living in Miami wanting to help our country in these difficult times. As you may know our country is going through a rough time. We are organizing to send medical and other resources to Venezuela and we need the support of all those who are abroad. All these supplies will be delivered to the First Aid group of UCV med students that help protesters as well as several resistance groups.
Let us help those who are fighting for us today.
Together we are the solution !!!!
*Please share this info*
Ayudemos a quienes hoy luchan por nosotros.
Juntos somos la solución!!!! GRACIAS!
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales:
Facebook: Somos Ayuda Vzla
Instagram: @somosayudavzla
*Por favor difundir*
Hello! We are a group of Venezuelans currently living in Miami wanting to help our country in these difficult times. As you may know our country is going through a rough time. We are organizing to send medical and other resources to Venezuela and we need the support of all those who are abroad. All these supplies will be delivered to the First Aid group of UCV med students that help protesters as well as several resistance groups.
Let us help those who are fighting for us today.
Together we are the solution !!!!
*Please share this info*
Hector Castro Gaspard
Miami, FL