Donation protected

Inspired by the samurai genre, and the Universal
Mythologies inherent, Epoche is a conceptual film that utilizes the art of surfing wherein this genre traditionally employs the sword as symbolic of the key that unlocks the door to the heroes journey.
Kassia Meador embodies the singular spirit's journey between the physical, metaphysical and the ethereal beyond.
Epoche is a DREAM, traversing through the sixth senses in seven movements. Director Bruce Muller has nearly completed this vision. Bruce feels very fortunate to have worked in collaboration with this meticulously chosen group of talented audio and visual artists; most notably, renowned cinematographer Sonny Miller, who passed away during the making of this film, which has taken nearly 7 years. After taking some time to mourn and process Sonny's passing, prodigous cinematographer, Scott Soens, came in to finsh the shooting of the film with Bruce and Kassia. The epic scope of Sonny's gifted compositional prowess are exemplified in Epoche, which sadly, are some of his last.
At this point, to honor the tireless hours of dedication and highest levels of creative investment from all involved, it is of the utmost importance that our post production processes are seen to fruition at the professional level this film project deserves.
We would greatly appreciate any contribution or gesture in support to attain the funding needed which includes: Color Grading, DCP Compression, 5.1 Surround Sound Mixing, VFX, and other costs that will accrue such as paying our technicians, promotional media, PR, etc.
We will be sharing our film in fine art festivals, galleries, museums, and film festivals as well as other multi-media events around the world.
Epoché (ἐποχή epokhē, "suspension") is an ancient
Greek term which, in its philosophical usage, describes the state where all judgments about non-evident matters are suspended. ... Husserl elaborates the notion of 'phenomenologicalepoché' or 'bracketing' in Ideas.
Kassia Meador
Topanga, CA