Team Talia
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Talia Ivory is 12 years old. She is the first born of 4 children to Titus & Nicole Ivory. Talia is 4 minutes older than her twin brother, Titus. She loves to read, play basketball and soccer, build and rebuild Legos and hang with her family and friends. She's an amazingly hard working student and LOVES the LORD! What we've come to learn about Talia is that she is BRAVER than we could ever think of being.
On June 4th of this year, Talia was referred to an ENT doctor for a tonsillectomy, after seeing several doctors for headaches. She'd had headaches and the occasional fever for over 2 years. Often dismissed by other doctors as "a virus," Her parents Titus & Nicole wanted more answers and wouldn't be satisfied with the unknown. After several visits to a neurologist, a sleep specialist and a sleep study, they were told Talia had Sleep Apnea. The Apnea, and lack of restful sleep, was thought to be the cause of her headaches. After finally meeting with her AMAZING ENT physician on a Wednesday for 30 minutes, she was scheduled to remove her tonsils on Friday June 6th. What they didn't realize at the time is that a doctor who had just met them, was listening. He allowed GOD to use him. Her doctor, for the first time in his career, sent her very routine tonsils away for a biopsy. He later shared, he had a "feeling, that something about Talia's story" wasn't right and he was right.
On Talia's 2 week follow up, her doctor checked her out and her sister, who is preparing to have the same surgery, asked to speak to her mom privately outside. They went to another room with papers in hands and sat Nicole down. He began with, "This has never happened......I am not sure what made me send these away......" Talia's doctor stated that Talia's biopsy revealed Lymphoma. A disease Nicole's younger sister was diagnosed with 2 years prior. While tears streamed down her eyes, she began to thank him and GOD, repeatedly!! I thanked her doctor, because he LISTENED! I thanked GOD for having his HANDS in this from the beginning and for HIS love and promises! The family was then referred to Levine's Children's Hospital's Leukemia/Lymphoma Team. During this visit, Talia's complete diagnosis was made, Tcell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, a rare form of Lymphoma in which 4-5 thousand cases in the world are diagnosed per year. Talia would go on to have PET scan which showed Lymphoma in her nasal, chest, neck, collar bone and stomach.
Talia’s family received her treatment plan on July 27th, and Talia began her fight. She was taken into surgery for the LP Lumbar test of her spinal cord (to test for the cancer and treat it as preventative measure), Bone Barrow test, and port placement. She began her first rounds of chemo that evening and stayed at Levine Children's Hospital, until Monday evening, July 30th.
Talia and her family have an amazing support group of family, friends, extended family and strangers reach out in support. Some are near, but most are far away. They've asked how they can help and what they can do.
Not really knowing what they are in for, the extreme cost of providing care and treatment for cancer patients. When you have a sick child, to be honest, the cost is the last thing you are thinking about. You just want your child well and whole. Please help with any amount you can to help with her rising healthcare expenses, and additional costs her family has to bear.
Talia has touched so many people with her kindness, her infectious smile, her wit and unwavering faith. Please help us, help Talia.
On June 4th of this year, Talia was referred to an ENT doctor for a tonsillectomy, after seeing several doctors for headaches. She'd had headaches and the occasional fever for over 2 years. Often dismissed by other doctors as "a virus," Her parents Titus & Nicole wanted more answers and wouldn't be satisfied with the unknown. After several visits to a neurologist, a sleep specialist and a sleep study, they were told Talia had Sleep Apnea. The Apnea, and lack of restful sleep, was thought to be the cause of her headaches. After finally meeting with her AMAZING ENT physician on a Wednesday for 30 minutes, she was scheduled to remove her tonsils on Friday June 6th. What they didn't realize at the time is that a doctor who had just met them, was listening. He allowed GOD to use him. Her doctor, for the first time in his career, sent her very routine tonsils away for a biopsy. He later shared, he had a "feeling, that something about Talia's story" wasn't right and he was right.
On Talia's 2 week follow up, her doctor checked her out and her sister, who is preparing to have the same surgery, asked to speak to her mom privately outside. They went to another room with papers in hands and sat Nicole down. He began with, "This has never happened......I am not sure what made me send these away......" Talia's doctor stated that Talia's biopsy revealed Lymphoma. A disease Nicole's younger sister was diagnosed with 2 years prior. While tears streamed down her eyes, she began to thank him and GOD, repeatedly!! I thanked her doctor, because he LISTENED! I thanked GOD for having his HANDS in this from the beginning and for HIS love and promises! The family was then referred to Levine's Children's Hospital's Leukemia/Lymphoma Team. During this visit, Talia's complete diagnosis was made, Tcell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma, a rare form of Lymphoma in which 4-5 thousand cases in the world are diagnosed per year. Talia would go on to have PET scan which showed Lymphoma in her nasal, chest, neck, collar bone and stomach.
Talia’s family received her treatment plan on July 27th, and Talia began her fight. She was taken into surgery for the LP Lumbar test of her spinal cord (to test for the cancer and treat it as preventative measure), Bone Barrow test, and port placement. She began her first rounds of chemo that evening and stayed at Levine Children's Hospital, until Monday evening, July 30th.
Talia and her family have an amazing support group of family, friends, extended family and strangers reach out in support. Some are near, but most are far away. They've asked how they can help and what they can do.
Not really knowing what they are in for, the extreme cost of providing care and treatment for cancer patients. When you have a sick child, to be honest, the cost is the last thing you are thinking about. You just want your child well and whole. Please help with any amount you can to help with her rising healthcare expenses, and additional costs her family has to bear.
Talia has touched so many people with her kindness, her infectious smile, her wit and unwavering faith. Please help us, help Talia.
Nicole and Titus Ivory
Charlotte, NC