Erase Lunch Debt in Warwick Schools
The school district for Warwick, Rhode Island announced a new policy in which children who had not paid their school lunch debt would be given "jelly and sun butter sandwiches" until they resolved their account. You can read about that from great reporting by The Washington Post's Antonia Noori Farzan here .
After a national outcry, the school district announced a revised policy in which children with lunch debt would still be able to pick the lunch of their choice.
Regardless, these children will still experience stigma, not the least due to this being a national story. As a child who grew up in poverty and lived on the free breakfast and lunch program, I know a little something about that.
So, I want us to raise enough to retire ALL $77,000 of the school district's lunch debt so that children and their families who can't pay don't have to worry about this continuing to be a source of needless, cruel shame.