Help Eric Spivak With Medical Costs
This is not easy for me to write, partly because my injuries have made it very hard to get up and even type, but mainly because I'm used to helping others but not so good at asking for help myself. Right now I'm in a situation where I have no choice but to do so and I'm reaching out to you guys for that.
Why I need help:
Everyone who knows me is aware of my accident, which went viral on Facebook in June, as well as managed to reach friends & family offline who heard about it by word of mouth. Never in my life have I been through something as traumatic as this, and definitely wasn't prepared for how much it would leave me in a terrible financial state. My physical condition--while improving--is much worse than expected, which is a bit disappointing to say the least. I'm facing 6 months of bed rest and immobility during recovery and rehabilitation with an eventual hip replacement & arthritis. I'm dealing with an inordinate amount of unforeseen bills and pain. The additional financial burden, leaves me with no other choice but to ask for assistance. I simply cannot physically make the income I need to support all of the medical cost associated that are flooding in.
As you all know, I spend my life connecting, helping, and generally making things happen for everyone that I can. Since the incident, I've refunded clients, passed up work, and a large chunk of my income will not be accounted for in the following several months (Summer+Holiday Season) which are peakfor event coordinators such as myself.
I'm typically all over the city in a single night due to the nature of my work, but this is impossible for the next 6 months while I'm healing. My means of income is not conventional and requires a lot of time, energy, and mobility. While I put 110% into everything that I do, now will only be able to work at 40% or 50%.
The Accident:
I fell asleep at the wheel with my foot on the gas, a few blocks from my house after dropping off friends. Traveling at approx. 60 mph I had a collision with a large tree trunk sized utility pole, totaling the vehicle. Upon impact the steering column pressed into me, leaving me wedged between the airbag/steering wheel and seat, crushing my rib cage, leaving me with multiple rib fractures. Breaking bones in my hip and leg while also injuring my shoulder & back. The most life threatening damage sustained was a rupture to the largest artery in my body, which is frequently fatal due to profuse bleeding and chest trauma. The accident was due to extreme exhaustion, as I was sober at the time of the accident, proven by the breathalyzer. The cause of being so tired likely had to do with me having just returned to LA from a family funeral in New Mexico earlier that day, which required several hours of driving & flying.
Thankfully, I was rushed to Cedars-Sinai's where they performed three surgeries during my eight day stay in the intensive care unit.
I consider myself very lucky to be alive, grateful and thankful to have not injured anyone else in the process, as I had also driven three friends that evening.
My injuries:
I had a life-threatening aortic rupture which is a serious condition inwhich the inner layer of the main artery of the body has blood surge through the tear, causing inner layers to separate or dissect (thus not supplying blood to your body). For someone who everyone describes as having a big heart, it's the one time I can honestly say my heart was torn. This is why I'm asking you to keep me close to your heart now. Besides a incision made to the groin to place the stent in my heart to stop the rupture, both of my ribs were badly fractured while my right leg and hip were also severely damaged on impact and demanded immediate attention. This resulted in additional surgery and metal devices to be placed inside of me to keep both aligned in order to regain proper functionality.
I am currently healing from the following:
Thoracic aortic aneurysm (heart surgery)
Several fractured ribs (at risk for pneumonia)
Hip and Leg fractures and dislocation (at risk for atrophy)
Acetabulum fragmentation
Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF)
My Medical Costs/Needs:
- Aortic Repair Surgery and Stent Placement
- Hip and Leg Surgery
- 8 nights and 9 days of staying at Cedars-Sinai Hospital
- pain medications
- at home nursing
- at home physical therapy and rehabilitation
- out patient facility for additional rehabilitation and recovery
- walker / crutches / wheelchair- Cost of 3-6 months of rent / utilities
- vehicle repairs / deductibles / etc.
- uber/lyft transportation to follow up appointments /
- physical therapy sessions
- misc expenses (ambulance, towing, etc)
My close friend Cissy, wanted to add in her own words below, as she has kindly typed this all up on my behalf, with me being unable to do so.
From Cissy:
Eric is one of the most reliable people in world. He is always there for you when you need help with anything from just a piece of advice, relationship or career stuff, or just putting you in a good mood. Eric always gives people the chance to collaborate, connect and encourages them to explore their potential. His friendship is synonymous with generosity and is a precious gift to all those who know him. Even when he doesn't have the answers or resources to finish the puzzle, he normally manages to make a few calls and come through despite adversity or obstruction.
Anyone who knows him knows he makes introductions with no expectation of it paying off. He simply takes satisfaction in knowing he could be of assistance when the time is right and his response to "Thanks" is always: "You'd do the same for me." It's things like this that make him special to many.
We sincerely appreciate all the donations, no matter how big or small. As every bit makes a huge difference. It's taken awhile to get this page up due to difficulties with acquiring proper information from insurance, medical billing, tow yard for the totaled vehicle, navigating the crowdfunding site and more. Although answers are now slowly starting to roll in.
Thank you so much for your love and support. Eric will be putting together something special as a thank you for every individual who contributes to helping him during this time. We're also interested in asking that you please also share your stories of how Eric has touched / inspired / and helped you in a time of need. I know this goes without saying, but just think to yourself, “what would Eric do?"
Any and all good vibes will help in creating a more sound and speedy recovery.
Thank you so much for your love and support.
Current as of July 23rd, 2016 :