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“ለመጭው ትውልድ እርካብ ይሁኑ!”
We are reaching out to you because we’ve started a GoFundMe እርካብ-Erkab project. Erkab is a project started under ቅንድል ኢትዮጵያ- Kindel Ethiopia in collaboration with ESAN (Ethiopian Scientific and Academic Network) and Education Without Borders. It aims to collect textbooks for high schools, colleges, and universities in Ethiopia. It is run by Ethiopian college students based in Texas. In addition to collecting textbooks, we are planning to provide school supplies and build an online book database (a website) for our fellow youth students in Ethiopia. The funds raised for this project will be used to buy and ship the books and school materials collected to the target area with the help of Books for Africa. We are counting on your heartfelt support to reach our goal!
The ESAN community members are spread throughout the world and will play a vital role in identifying needy schools and managing fundraising efforts. Most of the schools in Ethiopia don't have a well-established library, and more than 57% of the people over the age of 15 are illiterate. However, in recent years, the country has made great strides in improving access to education for girls and economically disadvantaged children and improving the quality of education through improvements in higher education. English language education begins at elementary school, and high school and college courses are taught in English. Thus, there is a great need for books for classroom and library use.
Your donation to this project will impact more than one million students, their schools and communities. As the saying goes Oceans Began With a Drop of Water or the great old Ethiopian saying -For One Man 50 Lemons become a Load, but for 50 people they are like ornaments; let’s help each other in this large scale project. Our plan is to raise funds to ship 5 or more containers of books, used computers, and used sports gear and soccer balls.
In the event you decide to contribute directly to Books for Africa's ESAN Books for Ethiopia Project please follow the link below:
Thanks in advance for your contribution to this cause. You are truly making a difference!
Contact Information
Email: [email redacted]/[email redacted]
Phone: Dr. Abebe Kebede +1 [phone redacted]
Arimiyas Zemedkun [phone redacted]
Martha Taffa [phone redacted]
Raey Ageze +1 [phone redacted]
Arimiyas Zemedkun
Euless, TX
Books For Africa, Inc.