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Ethan & Laura - Santa Rosa fire

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Ethan, his wife Laura, and their 2-year old son Levon were forced to suddenly evacuate their Santa Rosa home just before it, and their entire neighborhood was consumed by the wildfires that have devastated Northern California. 

This family, and their pets are left with what little they could fit in their car and need our help. They’re currently staying with good friends, but will need to start completely over. 

Please consider giving what you can. 

As the smoke clears and they have access to what remains, I will update with specific needs and where they can be sent as well. 

My name is Jenny, and I am a friend of Ethan and Laura from back in their Brooklyn days. If you know them, you know their the friendships span the globe, so it's not unusual that a Floridian is reaching out.

Ethan offers an update and gratitude in this video.


  • Str8 Organics
    • $1,000
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Jenny Jenny
Santa Rosa, CA
Ethan de Seife

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