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Epic hair cut

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Hi my Natasha, I believe that hair can be a huge part of personal identity .

I have been growing my hair for about 10 years, I have not coloured it at all, and I used to be constantly changing it up. Now my hair is approximately a metre long.  Often people ask me about my hair and I have always said I will be cutting it off for charity that makes real hair wigs to children who have been affected by illness.  The Minimum donation is 30cm
so I have enough for 2 donations now or one really long donation.

 But let me tell you, I did get sort of attached to it.
It is so long now, that I can sit on it, it gets caught in doors I have to keep it up...

So now it is real, It is going... and I hope with all my heart that some beautiful soul will love having it as much as I have.

And my Wonderful Friend Andrew will cut it and do something wild for me at his salon Sahyoun & Co.

I am going to be dividing the money between 2 causes that are dear to my heart.

I am raising funds as well to help my friends son who is on the cutting edge of treatment for Cerebral Palsy, with the Therasuit  the money raised will go towards Funding this break through tech that I have seen with my own eyes helping their son with a greater ability to move and walk on his own.

Also I will be donating funds to Youngcare Australia that helps People that have different needs have a chance at independant living, this is an amazing charity to have here in Australia and it does wonderful work.

Any help to reach my goal will be greatly appreciated.
Check out the photos for some laughs.

First my profile pic is My hair the night before the chop

There is one of me as cousin IT in Peru 2 years ago


Natasha Iles
Putney, NSW

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