Our parks in the past few years have been plagued by drug activity, crime, and recent acts of vandalism. Many in the community have expressed the need for cameras in the parks to deter criminal activity. As a student at Shelbyville Middle school I am tired of hearing stories of overdoses, criminal acts, and such going on in our parks and with the help of my parents I would like to raise $168,000 to place security cameras in all of our local parks. While this may sound like a steep goal, if we can find either 168 people to give $1,000 or 1680 people to give $100 our goal will be met and we could start cleaning up our community parks. Isn't another child's life worth $100 or even $1000? Please join me in my quest to fund eyes for Shelbyville parks. If this platform is keeping you from donating, please take your donation to the Parks Dept office in care of cameras for the park. Thanks! Ashlynn Stout