Donation protected
The iconic Point Danger on the Qld / NSW border is under threat.
A 12-storey (36.5m) residential tower (‘Awaken’) has been approved on the site of Café D’Bar & D’Bar House. It will drastically change the landscape and amenity of the headland. DBar Views is currently in the process of seeking to have the approval reviewed and hopefully overturned.
To do so - to pay lawyers, to pay expert planners - will cost money. D’Bar Views is calling on the local community and all those who value the pristine views, the sense of escape Point Danger affords and the history of the site and buildings to dig deep and help have this abomination of a development quashed.
Café D’Bar and D’Bar House were the first buildings at Point Danger. They have stood there since the 1920s and 1930s and have become a part of the landscape. They were even commandeered by the military during WWII, becoming part of the Point Danger Radar Station. They are about to be demolished if we don’t do something.
Point Danger is famous around the world for its unrivalled views. The most easterly point in Qld, the headland is part of history having been sighted by Cook during his exploration of Australia’s East Coast in 1770, forming part of the border between Qld and NSW, and becoming an integral part of Australia’s defence in WWII.
From the original inhabitants, early 20th century holiday makers to today’s locals and visitors, Point Danger has been a major drawcard. The public reserve has been for all to enjoy. The ‘Awaken’ development will negatively impact this public enjoyment, instead offering it up for private interests.
High-rises on the Gold Coast are nothing new. But, some places are sacred, some places deserve to be free of them. Point Danger is one of those places. Nowhere else in Australia has a headland been blighted by a residential tower of this magnitude. ‘Awaken’ will be visible for miles.
Your donation will help to bring the decision before the courts, to help preserve Point Danger and to save an important part of the Gold Coast’s cultural and natural heritage.

A 12-storey (36.5m) residential tower (‘Awaken’) has been approved on the site of Café D’Bar & D’Bar House. It will drastically change the landscape and amenity of the headland. DBar Views is currently in the process of seeking to have the approval reviewed and hopefully overturned.
To do so - to pay lawyers, to pay expert planners - will cost money. D’Bar Views is calling on the local community and all those who value the pristine views, the sense of escape Point Danger affords and the history of the site and buildings to dig deep and help have this abomination of a development quashed.
Café D’Bar and D’Bar House were the first buildings at Point Danger. They have stood there since the 1920s and 1930s and have become a part of the landscape. They were even commandeered by the military during WWII, becoming part of the Point Danger Radar Station. They are about to be demolished if we don’t do something.
Point Danger is famous around the world for its unrivalled views. The most easterly point in Qld, the headland is part of history having been sighted by Cook during his exploration of Australia’s East Coast in 1770, forming part of the border between Qld and NSW, and becoming an integral part of Australia’s defence in WWII.
From the original inhabitants, early 20th century holiday makers to today’s locals and visitors, Point Danger has been a major drawcard. The public reserve has been for all to enjoy. The ‘Awaken’ development will negatively impact this public enjoyment, instead offering it up for private interests.
High-rises on the Gold Coast are nothing new. But, some places are sacred, some places deserve to be free of them. Point Danger is one of those places. Nowhere else in Australia has a headland been blighted by a residential tower of this magnitude. ‘Awaken’ will be visible for miles.
Your donation will help to bring the decision before the courts, to help preserve Point Danger and to save an important part of the Gold Coast’s cultural and natural heritage.

Nikki Archer
Tallebudgera Valley, QLD