"Justice For Black Creek Indians"
Tax deductible
Want to join us in making a difference? We are raising money to benefit Black Creeks, AKA Creek Freedmen; any donation will help impact our quest for justice and equality for ALL Creek Freedmen Descendants. We are currently in the tribal court of the Muscogee Creek Nation, fighting for the citizenship rights of Black Creeks. If we are not successful in the MCN judicial system, we will take this plight to the US Supreme Court. We need your support to be successful!
Due to anti-Black racism, tens of thousands of Black Creek Indians have been kicked out of Oklahoma's Muscogee Creek Nation Tribe. Black Creeks, AKA Creek Freedmen, were full citizens of the Creek Nation from the signing of the Creek Treaty of 1866 to 1979. In 1979 the Muscogee Creek Nation established a new Constitution which eliminated the Freedmen from citizenship by violating the 1866 treaty and laws governing the relationship between the United States Government and the Muscogee Creek Nation. In 1979 the anti-Black faction of the Creeks pushed through an illegal vote where Black Creeks were not permitted to vote. The result of the 1979 vote was the complete disenfranchisement and exclusion of the Black Creeks from the tribe.
The Government had a fiduciary responsibility to protect the Citizens of the Muscogee Creek Nation classified as Creek Freedmen from this horrendous injustice. Unfortunately, there was no protection extended to the Creek Freedmen and their descendants. Sadly, the Government approved the 1979 constitution, which eradicated the Creek Freedmen and their descendants from the MCN Tribe.
The MCIFB is a 501 C 3 organization officially incorporated in 2008; however, the MCIFB has been a dominant presence in the community educating and fighting for the Treaty Rights of all Creek Freedmen for many years. We have sought to preserve and protect the unique history and culture of the Creek Freedmen.
Your generous donation will support and advance the Legal Defense fund as we continue to fight for justice and equality for ALL Creek Freedmen Descendants in the tribal court of the Muscogee Creek Nation, and the US Supreme Court. Donations also help with other expenses associated with the management and daily operations of the Band. We will also use donation toward the educational fund and the traveling history exhibits. The collection has served as an educational tool and has grown extensively over the years. We have collaborated with the Five Tribes Museum, the Oklahoma Black Museum of Performing Art Center, the Oklahoma Metropolitan Library System, and the African American genealogical Interest Group, Dallas Tx. We also presented the traveling history exhibit at the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, DC. All to educate the public on the rich history of the Creek Freedmen of the five civilized tribes.
To make an even greater impact, please visit change.org and sign our petition "Justice for Black Creek Indians" http://chng.it/TKgKXWGg
Little known History Fact:
Did you know that a free Black Muscogee Creek signed the reconstruction Creek Treaty of 1866
after the civil war?
Did you also know that the Muscogee Creek Peace Treaty of 1866 freed black Creeks enslaved by the Muscogee Nation?
The 1866 Treaty: The Creeks hereby
covenant and agree that henceforth neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,
otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the parties shall have been
duly convicted in accordance with laws applicable to all members of said tribe,
shall ever exist in said nation; and inasmuch as there are among the Creeks
many persons of African descent, who have no interest in the soil, it is
stipulated that hereafter these persons lawfully residing in said Creek country
under their laws and usages, or who have been thus residing in said country,
and may return within one year from the ratification of this treaty, and their
descendants and such others of the same race as may be permitted by the laws of
the said nation to settle within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Creek
Nation as citizens [thereof,] shall have and enjoy all the rights and
privileges of native citizens, including an equal interest in the soil and
national funds, and the laws of the said nation shall be equally binding upon
and give equal protection to all such persons, and all others, of whatsoever
race or color, who may be adopted as citizens or members of said tribe.
Little known History!
Above photo: Silas Jefferson, also known as Ho-tul-ko-micco –“Wind Clan chief” — was born in 1835 at Taskigi Town (or Tuskegee) in the Old Creek Nation. His parents were Betsey and Jeffery Manac (McNac). Jefferson emigrated with his parents to the Creek lands in the Indian Territory in 1838. He enlisted in the First Indian Home Guard Regiment (Co. I) during the Civil War and after the war became very involved in politics. He served several terms in the Creek House of Warriors representing Taskigi Town. He also served as one of Chief Locha Hacho’s advisors (Creek chief 1875-1876, impeached and removed from office in 1876 by the Creek Council) and was also close to Chief Isparhecher (Creek Chief, 1895-1899).
In 1879 Jefferson ran as a candidate for 2nd Chief on the Loyal Party ticket with Isparhecher, but the two candidates dropped out of the race after the Loyal Party withdrew from electoral politics and set up their own government at Nuyuka Town west of Okmulgee.
During the Green Peach War (1882-1883), Silas Jefferson abandoned the Loyal Party after Isparhecher advised his followers to take up arms against the Creek Constitutional government. After the outbreaks that summer, he worked diligently to bring the warring factions together. He remained involved in Creek politics until tribal dissolution in 1906. He also served as one of the principal informants regarding Creek culture and religion for anthropologists John Swanton and Frank Speck when they were collecting information on Creek life for the Smithsonian Institute in the early twentieth century. Silas Jefferson died in 1913 or 1914 near Beggs, Oklahoma.
Courtesy of Gary Zellar
Thanks in advance for your contribution to a cause that means so much to the Creek Freedmen Descendants!
Due to anti-Black racism, tens of thousands of Black Creek Indians have been kicked out of Oklahoma's Muscogee Creek Nation Tribe. Black Creeks, AKA Creek Freedmen, were full citizens of the Creek Nation from the signing of the Creek Treaty of 1866 to 1979. In 1979 the Muscogee Creek Nation established a new Constitution which eliminated the Freedmen from citizenship by violating the 1866 treaty and laws governing the relationship between the United States Government and the Muscogee Creek Nation. In 1979 the anti-Black faction of the Creeks pushed through an illegal vote where Black Creeks were not permitted to vote. The result of the 1979 vote was the complete disenfranchisement and exclusion of the Black Creeks from the tribe.
The Government had a fiduciary responsibility to protect the Citizens of the Muscogee Creek Nation classified as Creek Freedmen from this horrendous injustice. Unfortunately, there was no protection extended to the Creek Freedmen and their descendants. Sadly, the Government approved the 1979 constitution, which eradicated the Creek Freedmen and their descendants from the MCN Tribe.
The MCIFB is a 501 C 3 organization officially incorporated in 2008; however, the MCIFB has been a dominant presence in the community educating and fighting for the Treaty Rights of all Creek Freedmen for many years. We have sought to preserve and protect the unique history and culture of the Creek Freedmen.
Your generous donation will support and advance the Legal Defense fund as we continue to fight for justice and equality for ALL Creek Freedmen Descendants in the tribal court of the Muscogee Creek Nation, and the US Supreme Court. Donations also help with other expenses associated with the management and daily operations of the Band. We will also use donation toward the educational fund and the traveling history exhibits. The collection has served as an educational tool and has grown extensively over the years. We have collaborated with the Five Tribes Museum, the Oklahoma Black Museum of Performing Art Center, the Oklahoma Metropolitan Library System, and the African American genealogical Interest Group, Dallas Tx. We also presented the traveling history exhibit at the Congressional Black Caucus in Washington, DC. All to educate the public on the rich history of the Creek Freedmen of the five civilized tribes.
To make an even greater impact, please visit change.org and sign our petition "Justice for Black Creek Indians" http://chng.it/TKgKXWGg
Little known History Fact:
Did you know that a free Black Muscogee Creek signed the reconstruction Creek Treaty of 1866
after the civil war?
Did you also know that the Muscogee Creek Peace Treaty of 1866 freed black Creeks enslaved by the Muscogee Nation?
The 1866 Treaty: The Creeks hereby
covenant and agree that henceforth neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,
otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the parties shall have been
duly convicted in accordance with laws applicable to all members of said tribe,
shall ever exist in said nation; and inasmuch as there are among the Creeks
many persons of African descent, who have no interest in the soil, it is
stipulated that hereafter these persons lawfully residing in said Creek country
under their laws and usages, or who have been thus residing in said country,
and may return within one year from the ratification of this treaty, and their
descendants and such others of the same race as may be permitted by the laws of
the said nation to settle within the limits of the jurisdiction of the Creek
Nation as citizens [thereof,] shall have and enjoy all the rights and
privileges of native citizens, including an equal interest in the soil and
national funds, and the laws of the said nation shall be equally binding upon
and give equal protection to all such persons, and all others, of whatsoever
race or color, who may be adopted as citizens or members of said tribe.
Little known History!
Above photo: Silas Jefferson, also known as Ho-tul-ko-micco –“Wind Clan chief” — was born in 1835 at Taskigi Town (or Tuskegee) in the Old Creek Nation. His parents were Betsey and Jeffery Manac (McNac). Jefferson emigrated with his parents to the Creek lands in the Indian Territory in 1838. He enlisted in the First Indian Home Guard Regiment (Co. I) during the Civil War and after the war became very involved in politics. He served several terms in the Creek House of Warriors representing Taskigi Town. He also served as one of Chief Locha Hacho’s advisors (Creek chief 1875-1876, impeached and removed from office in 1876 by the Creek Council) and was also close to Chief Isparhecher (Creek Chief, 1895-1899).
In 1879 Jefferson ran as a candidate for 2nd Chief on the Loyal Party ticket with Isparhecher, but the two candidates dropped out of the race after the Loyal Party withdrew from electoral politics and set up their own government at Nuyuka Town west of Okmulgee.
During the Green Peach War (1882-1883), Silas Jefferson abandoned the Loyal Party after Isparhecher advised his followers to take up arms against the Creek Constitutional government. After the outbreaks that summer, he worked diligently to bring the warring factions together. He remained involved in Creek politics until tribal dissolution in 1906. He also served as one of the principal informants regarding Creek culture and religion for anthropologists John Swanton and Frank Speck when they were collecting information on Creek life for the Smithsonian Institute in the early twentieth century. Silas Jefferson died in 1913 or 1914 near Beggs, Oklahoma.
Courtesy of Gary Zellar
Thanks in advance for your contribution to a cause that means so much to the Creek Freedmen Descendants!
Muscogee Creek Freedmen Band
Oklahoma City, OK
Muscogee Creek Freedmen Band