Dear Animal Lovers,
On February 13th a post about a very injured puppy appeared in my Facebook news feed. This one caught my attention for some reason, and I donated a few dollars towards her care. When I followed up on the post the next day, I realized that someone truly needed to step up to help this 5-month old girl or she risked being euthanized.
Amelia didn't ask to be born; she didn't ask to be hit by a car; she didn't ask to have an uncaring owner who allowed her to suffer for days; she didn't ask to be in a position where a shelter had to beg for funds to fix her broken leg and broken jaw. Amelia deserved surgery; she deserves to be pain free; she deserves a caring owner; she deserves the only life she gets. Therefore, I decided I would facilitate all those things she deserves and stepped up to pay for her treatment. I am in Indiana and she is in Louisiana, so after countless texts, phone calls, and tears, I was able to make it happen for her.
On February 21st, little Amelia finally made it to the Louisiana State University Small Animal Hospital. She presented with three issues: a severely broken back right leg, a lame front leg most likely caused by torn nerves, and two fractures in her jaw. She had surgery the next day to repair her broken leg; that alone has given Amelia hope. The vet determined through a CT scan that her jaw fractures were aligned well and could heal on their own without surgery. She continues to recover at LSU this week and I'm told she is the sweetest, most grateful girl. But, her care is costly. When I took on the responsibility to help Amelia, I did so knowing that I would have to assume the debt. This is why I am appealing to 5,000 animal lovers to donate just $1 to help cover the expenses for Amelia's treatment at LSU.
I am traveling to Louisiana on March 3rd to meet Amelia and bring her back to Indiana. She will eventually need to have her right front leg amputated once her right back leg is fully healed, so that will be an expense over and above the $5,000, but I will cross that bridge when the time comes. She will most likely have that surgery at the Purdue University Small Animal Hospital in the coming months.
We animal lovers often say that we can't save them all, and, sadly, we can't. But this animal lover knew I could save this one. I hope you will recognize the good I tried to do by helping me with a donation towards Amelia's LSU bill as little as $1.
I thank you for your understanding and generosity.
Additional photos are posted in the updates section.
Janice Indrutz