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1 year old pup needs ocular surgery

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My name is Lauren and I am the mom of a 1 year old beagle/pug mix named Chico. I rescued Chico early this summer from the Humane Society of Yates County. He was brought into the shelter as a stray from Animal Control, and was a very shy dog at first. Ever since rescuing him, he has come out of his shell and turned out to be a super upbeat and friendly little guy! 


About a week ago, I came home and noticed his left eye was very red and something seemed to be in it. I called the Veterinary Hospital, and they told me it was more than likely that his third eyelid popped out of place, and to bring him into the vet in the morning. I did exactly that, and the vet told me it was in fact a prolapse of the third eyelid gland, commonly known as cherry eye, and that he would need surgery to correct it. I made a consultation with the surgeon which is about a week away. The vet told me if at the consultation, I decided I wanted to do the surgery that day, it could be done. 


Chico has been constantly pawing at his eye, causing it to bleed and become even more irritated, so I'd like to do the surgery as soon as I can. The surgery itself is ~$1,500 with a $125 consultation fee for the surgeon. As any college student would probably agree, that's a huge amount of money to come up with on my own in such a short time. I do work part-time while going to school here, but it would take a while to save up all of the money, and I don't want Chico to have to suffer any longer. Without this surgery, he will face permanent eye damage, and potentially blindness!


If you can contribute at all to Chico's surgical costs, both Chico and I would be unmeasurably grateful. I want nothing more than for my baby to be back to his happy, vivacious self.


Thank you!



  • Ron Mesh
    • $71
    • 6 yrs


Lauren Rijo
Ithaca, NY

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