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100KM for the Children of Mary's Meals

I am walking just over 100km from Dubrovnik to Medjugorje in three days, arriving on Christmas Eve for the Children of Mary's Meals.

The charity began as a fruit of Medjugorje and today is an international movement of school feeding projects in communities where poverty and hunger prevent children from gaining an education.

Daily meals are provided in schools for over 2 million children in the most poverty stricken parts of the world. Mary's Meals not only addresses the immediate needs of hungry children by giving them a daily meal at school, it also allows those children to receive an education that can provide an escape from poverty for them and their communities. It costs just 22c to provide a meal for a child and €22 to feed a child for a year.


  • Anónimo
    • €20
    • 3 meses
  • On behalf of Mary Casey (RIP) donations for Medjugorje. Thanks Emma. Total €1020. From Casey Famil
    • €570
    • 3 meses
  • Anónimo
    • €250
    • 3 meses
  • Anónimo
    • €40
    • 3 meses
  • Money Donations to Husseys Shop
    • €140
    • 3 meses


Emma Hussey
County Dublin
Mary's Meals Ireland

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