15yo from Cagayan de Oro, Philippines dreams big!
NOTE: All proceeds of my fundraising will be directly deposited to my Tita Nathalie Martinez’s US account since I don’t have a US Account. Thank you.
This July, I will represent the Philippines in the prestigious 2021 IMG Junior World Golf Championship in San Diego, USA in the 15-18 yo girls category, together with three other national players. Also, I am invited to join the 2021 US Kids Golf Teen World Championship in Pinehurst, NC, USA by virtue of my outstanding performance in the same tournament in 2019 when I was Top 7 in the 13 yo division and was chosen to represent the International Team in the World Van Horn Cup which beat the US in the same age category. I am the only Filipino in the 15 yo category. There will be tune up AJGA/USGA/PGA/FCG tournaments I wish to join in June before the major events.
I started taking interest in the sport at the age of 8 even without any golfer (or anybody interested in golf) in the family. I took it seriously at the age of 10, training everyday, before and after school and continuously training until now. I live in Mindanao where tournaments are scarce (even before the pandemic) and have to travel to Manila to join occasional tournaments. I am bent on joining the two major tourneys above especially because I want to compete abroad and opportunities like this seldom comes. I am really doing all I can to realize my dream of becoming a college golfer in the US soon and eventually making it to the LPGA. The past three months I have been working out and playing with boys much stronger than I am to improve the level of my game. I want to prove to myself that with dedication, commitment and constant practice, I can make my dreams come true and make my country proud. But then my family can not afford the huge cost that’s why I am knocking on generous hearts to help fund my trip. I am asking for your financial support so I can make it to the US for the following big junior golf summer tournaments:
June 26, 2021
PGA SouthCal Buenaventura Championship
Ventura, CA
July 5-7, 2021
FCG International Junior Golf
Sycuan Golf Course
El Cajon, CA
July 12-16, 2021
IMG Junior World Golf Championship
Torrey Pines Golf Course
San Diego, CA
July 22-25, 2021
US Kids Golf World Teen Championship
Pinehurst, NC
July 28-29, 2021
HJGT College Prep Tournament
Duke University
Raleigh, NC
All proceeds of my fundraising will
be directly deposited to my Tita Nathalie Martinez’s US account since I don’t have a US Account. Thank you.
follow me on Instagram @ kiara_golf