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1989 Miles of People & Change

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The border is a strange paradox which extends 1989 miles from South Padre Island, Texas to San Diego. We are going to have a look the border paradox, and we want you to join us on the ride.

American Babylon is going to travel all 1989 miles of the United States border with Mexico trying to open up dialogues about la frontera that are not always visible.

We’ll talk to ranchers and migrants and activists and dreamers and lawyers and border patrol agents and detainees. We want to search out the images and backstories and alleyways that aren’t being jammed into our newsfeed.

The border is a place and no place at all, it’s whereabouts constantly shifting and morphing and flexing and breaking along human fault lines. The border is a problem and no problem at all, depending on who you are, and where you are. Information deprived politics are driving the roadmap of what to do along our border with Mexico.

What we desperately need right now is more and better information, perspective, images, and dialogues about what is actually happening along those 1989 miles on the southern border. We need these things right now because massive decisions are being made by the Trump administration about whether and how to go forward with plans to erect a "border wall." 

American Babyon will be podcasting and posting a constant stream of brand new photographs and videos and interviews. We’ll be shooting videos and recording audio landscapes and doing FB and Periscope live videos.

We need your help planning this trip! If you have any ideas about places we should visit, people we should talk to, or anything at all, reach out and get in touch on FB or Twitter (@BabylonAmerican) or via email at [email redactado]

Visit for all current content and updated information on this project. 


twitter: @BabylonAmerican

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Dona $45 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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  • Sue Sanders
    • $65
    • 7 yrs
Ilustración de manos que ayudan

Dona $45 para ayudar a esta recaudación de fondos a lograr su objetivo

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Bryan Sanders
Tucson, AZ

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