Steve Pride Stroke Recovery
Longtime IMRU host/producer and former NLGJA L.A. chapter president Steve Pride recently suffered a second stroke (the first was 12 years ago), which has severely affected his ability to speak, plus there have been other physical impacts, so he's facing a challenging (and expensive) period of recovery. Luckily his wisecracking sense of humor hasn't abandoned him, and he's been keeping busy producing IMRU (already two shows thus far) for Pacifica Radio station KPFK thanks to his right hand still being able to type (with effort) on his laptop computer. Soon he'll be moving to a rehab unit and eventually back home, though much or none of his care will be covered by Medicare (keep on voting, folks!). So please help this journalistic warrior for LGBTQ+ rights by donating to this fund. (And donate to KPFK while you're thinking of it, too, please). Thanks!